Deepa started a business in 2009 by investing Rs.50,000. She invested Rs. 20,000 as additional amount in 2010 and her friend Sushma joined her with an amount of Rs.70,000. Deepa invested another Rs. 20,000 in 2011 and Avanthi joined them with Rs. 70,000. At the end of these 3 years, they earned a profit of Rs. 3,00,000. Find Sushma's share ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer: D) Rs. 1,00,000
Explanation: Deepa invested Rs.50,000 for 12 months, Rs.(50000 + 20000) for 12 months and Rs.(50000 + 20000 + 20000) for 12 months.
i.e, she invested Rs.50,000 for 12 months, Rs.70000 for 12 months and Rs.90000 for 12 months.
Sushma invested Rs. 70000 for 2 years; i.e, Rs.70000 for 24 months
And, Avanthi invested Rs.70000 for 1 year; i.e, Rs. 70000 for 12 months.
Their investing ratio:
Deepa : Sushma : Avanthi = (50,000 x 12 + 70000 x 12 + 90000 x 12):(70000 x 24):(70000 x 12)
= (25,20,000):(16,80,000):(8,40,000) = 252:168:84 = 3:2:1
Total profit for 3 years = Rs.3,00,000
Therefore, Sushma's share = Rs.(3,00,000 x 2 /(3+2+1)) = Rs.(3,00,000 x 2/6) = Rs.1,00,000.
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