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The unit MIPS is used to measure the speed of a___.

A) Disk drive B) Tape drive
C) Printer D) Processor
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Processor


MIPS refers millions instruction per sec and is used to measure the speed of Processor.

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Filed Under: Computer
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Bank Clerk

37 14158

1.12.91 is the first Sunday. Which is the fourth Tuesday of December 91 ?

A) 17.12.91 B) 24.12.91
C) 27.12.91 D) 31.12.91
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 24.12.91


1.12.91 is the first Sunday of December 91.
So, 3.12.91 is the first Tuesday of the month.
Clearly, 10.12.91, 17.12.91, 24.12.91 and 31.12.91 are also Tuesdays.
So, 24.12.91 is the fourth Tuesday.

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Filed Under: Calendar
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

31 15080

What was the day on 2nd Jan 1901 ?

A) Tuesday B) Wednesday
C) Monday D) Thursday
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Wednesday


2nd Jan 1901 means
(1900 years and 2 day)
Now, 1600 years have 0 odd day
300 years have 1 odd day
2 days has 2 odd day
Total no. of odd days = 0 + 1 + 2 = 3 days
Hence, the day on 2nd Jan 1901 was Wednesday.

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Filed Under: Calendar
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

24 10379

The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 22:25 and there was a reduction in the number of labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs. 5000 ?

A) Rs. 5500 B) Rs. 6000
C) Rs. 6200 D) Rs. 6350
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Rs. 6000


The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 22:25 and there was a reduction in the number of labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs 5000 ?
Ratio of increase of wages = 22:25
Ratio of decrease of labourers = 15:11
Compound ratio of wages of labourers = 22 x 15 : 25 x 11 = 330:275
Final bill = Rs. 5000
For 275 ratio wages = Rs. 5000
For 1 ratio wages = 5000/275
For 330 ratio wages = 5000/275 x 330 = Rs. 6000

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Filed Under: Ratios and Proportions
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE , GRE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

69 25925

Sambhu buys rice at Rs. 10/kg and puts a price tag on it so as to earn a profit of 20%. However, his faulty balance shows 1000 gm when it is actually 800 gm. What is his actual gain percentage ?

A) 50% B) 25%
C) 75% D) 60%
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) 50%


CP of 1000gm = Rs. 10
SP of 800gm = Rs. 12
SP of 1000gm =12x1000/800 = Rs. 15

Now take 1000gm as reference to calculate profit.
Profit=SP-CP=15-10=Rs. 5
Profit % = 5x100/10 = 50%

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

8 8093

A sequence of natural number 2,3,5,6,10. Such that no square and no cube occurs in the term. Find the 300th term of sequence ?

A) 322 B) 319
C) 321 D) 320
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) 320


1 to 300 = 300 numbers
squares btwn 1 to 300 = 1,4,9,16,25,36,49.....289 i.e, total 17
cubes = 1,8,27,64,125,216 i.e, 5
now 1 and 64 are common so total numbers that should be removed ( 17+5-2= 20 )
total 20 term removed so 300th term would be 320

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Filed Under: Numbers
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Bank Clerk

6 5685

What is the sum of all 3 digits number that can be formed using digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 with no repitition ?

A) 28450 B) 26340
C) 32640 D) 36450
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 32640


We know that zero can't be in hundreds place. But let's assume that our number could start with zero.


The formula to find sum of all numbers in a permutation is


111 x no of ways numbers can be formed for a number at given position x sum of all given digits


No of 1 s depends on number of digits


So,the answer us


111 x 20 x (0+1+2+3+4+5) = 33300


We got 20 as follows. If we have 0 in units place we can form a number in 4*5 ways. This is for all numbers. So we have substituted 20 in formula.


Now, this is not the final answer because we have included 0 in hundreds place. so we have to remove the sum of all numbers that starts with 0.


This is nothing but the sum of all 2 digits numbers formed by 1 2 3 4 5. Because 0 at first place makes it a 2 digit number.


So the sum for this is 11 x 4 x (1+2+3+4+5).


Hope u understood why we use 4. Each number can be formed in 4x1 ways


So, the final answer is 33300-660 = 32640

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Filed Under: Permutations and Combinations
Exam Prep: GATE , CAT , Bank Exams , AIEEE
Job Role: Bank PO , Bank Clerk

2 2683

Maheshwari wants to buy 7 floors in an 68 storied building whose numbering stars from 1 upto 68. But she has to follow certain rules which are as follows :

1) None of the floor should be a prime number

2) None of the digit of the floor should be a prime number

3) Maheshwari cannot buy the 1st floor as it is being assigned to the architect.

So how many options are left with Maheshwari to buy the floors ?

A) 11 B) 17
C) 13 D) 19
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 17


Since floor starts form the 1 therefore 2 will be the 1st floor.
Form 1 to 10 only 4,6,8,9,10 are not prime.
Form 11 to 20 only 14 ,16,18 are not prime also non of their digits are prime.
From 21 to 30 each number has a prime number so it must no be consider.
In between 40 to 49 we have to consider only 40,44,46,48,49.
50 to 59 follow either of the condition so we have too neglect it.
In between 60 to 68 60,64,66,68.
total option = 17.

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Filed Under: Numbers
Exam Prep: AIEEE , CAT , Bank Exams
Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO

4 3932