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What is a AngularJS?


AngularJS is a framework to build the large scale and high performance web application while keeping them as easy-to-maintain. These are the features of AngularJS framework.

AngularJS is a powerful Script based on JavaScript development framework to Implement RICH Internet Application (RIA).

AngularJS is a developers options to write client side application (using JavaScript) in a clean MVC (Model View Controller) side.

Application are written in AngularJS is also cross-browser compliant. AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for any browser.

AngularJS is an open source, completely free, and used by large number of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 3029

What is the purpose of Buffer class in Node.js?


Buffer class could be a global class and may be accessed in application without importing buffer module. A Buffercould be a quite an array of integers and corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap. A Buffer can not be resized.

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 3150

How does Node.js prevents blocking code?


By providing callback function. Callback function gets called whenever corresponding event triggered.

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 4663

What is a REPL in context of Node.js?


Read - Reads users input, parse the input into JavaScript data-structure and stores in memory

Eval - Evaluates the data structure

Print - Prints the result

Loop - Loops the above command until user press ctrl-c twice

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 2795

Is Node.js is a single threaded application?


Node.js uses a single threaded model with event looping.

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 2566

What are the Advantages of Node.js?


Aynchronous and Event Driven - All APIs of Node.js library area unit aynchronous that's non-blocking. It basically means that a Node.js based mostly server not waits for a API to return information. Server moves to next API when calling it and a notification mechanism of Events of Node.js helps server to induce response from the previous API decision.

Very FastNode.js library is very fast in execution of code.

Single Threaded but highly Scalable Node.js uses a single threaded model with event looping. Node.js uses a single threaded program and same program can services much larger number of requests than traditional server like open source.

No Buffering - Node.js applications never buffer any data. These applications simply output the data in faster.

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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 2732

What is a Node.js?


Node.js is a framework for web applications built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine(V8 Engine).

Node.js is comes with runtime environment on which a cript based on javascript can be interpreted and executed (It is analogus to JVM to JAVA byte code). This runtime environment allows to execute a JavaScript code on any machine outside a browser. Because of this runtime of Node.js, JavaScript is now can be executed on server also.

Node.js is provides a rich library of various javascript modules which eases the developement of web application using Node.js to greater extents.


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Subject: Web Technology
Job Role: Software Architect

0 1880

What is the difference between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnect?


There is a decent page in the php manual on the subject, in short mysql_pconnect() makes a persevering association with the database which implies a SQL join that don't close when the execution of your script closes. mysql_connect()provides just for the database new association while utilizing mysql_pconnect , the capacity would first attempt to locate a (relentless) connection that is as of now open with the same host, username and password. On the off chance that one is found, an identifier for it will be returned as opposed to opening another connection... the connection with the SQL server won't be terminated when the execution of the script ends. Rather, the link will stay open for future use.

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Subject: PHP
Job Role: Database Administration

0 3809