Web Technology Questions


What is the difference between class selector and ID selector?


- Class selector can be given to an overall block. This is sometimes termed as block element as well, whereas ID selector identifies a unique name and a style for a specific element. 

- ID selector declares the style for only one particular element which can be differentiated from other element, whereas Class selector is being given for the whole complete block.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1645

What is HTML5 Web Storage?


With HTML5, it is possible for the web pages to store the data locally in the user's browser. This web storage is much faster and secured than the cookies. Also, a larger amount of data can be stored without causing any adverse effect to the performance of the website. 

The data here is not included with every server request. It is used ONLY when it is asked for. It is only that particular web page that can access the data stored by itself.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1644

List the major benefits of E-commerce.


The major benefits of Ecommerce are:

- Secure       : More secure than a cheque.

- Fast           : The transactions take not more than a few seconds

- Always on  : The purchases can be made 24/7

- Convenient:  Ease of purchasing

-Reduced cost price : Reduction of Marketing and Advertising Costs

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1642

What is the use of Name based hosting?


- Name based is the virtual hosting that allows the virtual hosts to serve multiple hostnames that runs on single machine and having only one IP address.

- This is used when the web browser is used to request the resource from the server then the server respond using the hostname. 

- Web server uses HTTP protocol to respond to the requested hostname as the part of the request. 

- The server contains all the information of the website and the user that requests for the resources given. 

- Name based web hosting includes the resources and services that need to be given at the time of client’s request.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1641

What is web application?


Web application provides services (Free and Paid) apart from information.

Ex: Online Banking System

It provides Bank  information , Branches & ATM information, Loans information etc...

And It provides balance enquiry, Fund transfer, Bill payments like services.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1638

What are the security features being provided in web security?


Security features are very essential in the system as it provides an overall security of the system by applying the patches and the services that keeps the unwanted access away. 

The security features included are as follows:

- Use of algorithms in relation to, the security and the system to, solve the problem of the security. 

- Use of SSL or any encryption method to, protect the system from intrusion or any other attack. 

- Use of SSL in the SimpleWebServer that doesn’t provides the protection against the DoS attack and doesn’t allow the accessing to, be done using the /etc/shadow.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1638

What are the new features provided in HTML5?


Some of the new features provided in HTML5 are:

- It provides support for local storage

- New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search

- <canvas> element is provided to facilitate 2D drawing

- The <video> and <audio> elements are provided for media playback

- New content-specific elements are provided. For e.g. <article>, <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1634

What is the use of IP based hosting?


The web hosting on the server can be accomplished by using the IP based hosting that provides resources and services as follows:

- IP based hosting provides dedicated IPs that consists of virtual hosts and having the different IP address. 

- Web server is configured with different and multiple physical network interfaces using the same physical interface. 

- Web server uses this IP address to connect the client with the server to determine the web site that provides the client a view of it. 

- IP addresses provide the resources that are required in order to use the SSL certificates and other resources rather than shared certificate.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1628