Web Technology Questions


What is a CDATA section in XML?


CDATA - (Unparsed) Character Data

The term CDATA is used when you dont want some text data to be parsed by the XML parser.

A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>": 

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1715

What is EXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML)?


XAML is a markup language used to define dynamic or static UIs for .NET applications. Though Windows Vista would be used to design XAML UIs, they can be applied to Windows XP or Windows 2003 too.

XAML is similar to MVC in terms of the separation of the UI code from application logic.

XAML is bound to Windows Presentation foundation to build a UI in .NET 3.0 and Windows Vista.

XAML Features:

- XAML inherits all XML definitions and rules.

- It also contains HTML, XHTML and other markup languages for UI.

- Every XAML element represents a .NET CLR class due to which working with XAML becomes simple.

- The application logic can be put in a separate file or be embedded in XAML file itself as XAML in conjunction with Windows Presentation Foundation model to provide the developers design a good UI in ASP.NET.

- XAML files get compiled to BAML files which are smaller than XAML and easier to read which make them faster to load.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1713

How does traffic measured in hosting platform?


- The traffic can be measured using the size of the files that are transferred from one place to another (server-client). 

- It can also be measured by the size of the file that is being requested by the client from the server. 

- The number of visitors arriving on the website also involve in the measurement of the traffic using the web hosting platform. 

- The advertisements of the sites take more bandwidth to allow more number of users to be on the website. 

- More number of users provides higher traffic on the website thus it requires more bandwidth on the web hosting sites.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1713

What is the advantage of using frames?


- Frames make it easier to navigate through a site. 

- The links that appear in the frame can appear through out the site.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1711

What is XML?


XML, Extensible Markup Language, is an open, text based markup language that provides structural and semantic information to data. XML is a metalanguage that can be used to create other language. It is used to structure and describe data that can be understood by other applications. Using XML, we can separate the user interface from data.

Features of XML :

- XML is a generalized markup language that means one can define his/her own tag sets.

- A valid XML document contains rules and is self-describing.

- The rules that are found in DTD allow the documents to be validated.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1709

What is the difference between Unix and Windows shared hosting services?


There are two major platforms that providing hosting and servers to host on. The differences between them are as follows:

- Unix are more efficient in performing offsite and onsite, whereas windows doesn’t provide very good efficiency to work with. 

- Unix provide lower hosting cost for the website using the high bandwidth, whereas windows take more resources and have the cost higher for the storage. 

- Unix is better for the websites that are static and includes HTML and graphics, whereas Windows is used for heavy websites and having more requirements. 

- Unix supports the scripting languages like PHP and databases like MySQL and other related categories, whereas Windows supports IIS, coldfusion and big applications that take more space.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1708

What is the use of Infinite file in Web security?


- Infinite file consists of random bits of code that is stored in /dev/random file used to generate the cryptographic keys. 

- Infinite file consists of the source of infinite data that can be used to provide the response in easy manner. 

- Web server consists of the file that is received by the server in this format GET //dev/random HTTP/1.0. 

- Web server provides the continuous data that can be read from /dev/random/ before the web server can run out of the memory. 

- The server crashes out in case it runs out of the memory due to the infinite file type and it is very essential in case of the web security.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1706

What is decodeURI(), encodeURI() in JavaScript?


To send the characters that can not be specified in a URL should be converted into their equivalent hex encoding. To perform this task the methods encodeURI() and decodeURI() are used.

For example, the following code snippet performs the encoding of URL:

<script type="text/javascript">

          var uri = https://www.mysite.com/city?=Banglore; // original URI

          var ncodeuri=encodeURI(uri);

          document.write("<br />ncodeuri”);

          var dcodeuri = decodeURI(ncodeuri); 



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Subject: Web Technology

0 1704