Mobile Technology Questions


What are the dialog boxes that are supported in android? Explain.


AlertDialog : An alert dialog box supports 0 to 3 buttons and a list of selectable elements, including check boxes and radio buttons. Among the other dialog boxes, the most suggested dialog box is the alert dialog box.

ProgressDialog: This dialog box displays a progress wheel or a progress bar. It is an extension of AlertDialog and supports adding buttons.

DatePickerDialog: This dialog box is used for selecting a date by the user.

TimePickerDialog: This dialog box is used for selecting time by the user.

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1 2269

What is android? What are the features of Android?


Android is a stack of software for mobile devices which has Operating System, middleware and some key applications. The application executes within its own process and its own instance of Dalvik Virtual Machine. Many Virtual Machines run efficiently by a DVM device. DVM executes Java language’s byte code which later transforms into .dex format files.

Features of Android :

- Components can be reused and replaced by the application framework.
- Optimized DVM for mobile devices
- SQLite enables to store the data in a structured manner.
- Supports GSM telephone and Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G and EDGE technologies
- The development is a combination of a device emulator, debugging tools, memory profiling and plug-in for Eclipse IDE.

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0 2221

What is Wi-Fi technology and over which frequency band it operates?


Wi-Fi technology is a technology used for transmitting a signal using the 802.11 specifications works a lot like it does with a basic Ethernet hub: They’re both two-way forms of communication, and they both use the same frequency to both transmit and receive, often referred to a half-duplex. WLANs used radio frequencies (RFs) that are radiated into the air from an antenna that creates radio waves. These waves can be absorbed, refracted, or reflected by walls, water, and metal surfaces, resulting in low signal strength. So because of this vulnerability to surrounding environmental factors, it’s pretty apparent that wire-less will never offer us the same robustness as a wired network can, but that still doesn’t mean we’re not going to use or run the wireless or Wi-Fi.

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0 2088

How can you configure Wi-Fi network and what are Wi-Fi Protocols?


Basically there are many standards of Wi-Fi in the industry but some popular of them are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g/n. With the support of these Wi-Fi protocols we can communicate/interact among the devices at the speed of 5Ghz to 2.4Ghz dual band communication.

If we have Wi-Fi nic card so firstly we have to install their drivers and after installation if we have Wi-Fi access point then we can see the signal strength in the right corner below just open that and find the access point to connect, if access point is configured with the security, type the key to connect and enjoy the service.

Wi-Fi is technically referred to as the 802.11 protocol. Over time, Wi-Fi has improved, giving rise to different variations of the protocol.

802.11a – This version operates at 54Mbps. It is considered as the favorite wireless LAN protocol for IP telephony.

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0 2006

What is the TTL (Time to Live)? Why is it required?


TTL is a value in data packet of Internet Protocol. It communicates to the network router whether or not the packet should be in the network for too long or discarded. Usually, data packets might not be transmitted to their intended destination within a stipulated period of time. The TTL value is set by a system default value which is an 8-bit binary digit field in the header of the packet. The purpose of TTL is, it would specify certain time limit in seconds, for transmitting the packet header. When the time is exhausted, the packet would be discarded. Each router receives the subtracts count, when the packet is discarded, and when it becomes zero, the router detects the discarded packets and sends a message, Internet Control Message Protocol message back to the originating host.

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0 1927

What is needed to make a multiple choice list with a custom view for each row?


Multiple choice list can be viewed by making the CheckBox android:id value be “@android:id /text1". That is the ID used by Android for the CheckedTextView in simple_list_item_multiple_choice.

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0 1862

What is the main reason of using process lifecycle in Android?


The android system will keep all the process that are hosting the services together at one place till the time the service is not started or connected to the client. The priority of the process is divided when running low on memory or when the process has to be killed. The process lifecycle is as follows:
- The service is running currently then the methods onCreate(), onStartCommand(), and onDestroy()methods, will run in the foreground to execute the process without being killed.
- The service is already started then the process can be considered as less important then the processes that are currently visible and used. This is done as there are only few processes that are visible to the users on the screen.
- The clients are bounded to the services they are providing requires more priority in the execution list.
- The service that is started uses startForeground(int, Notification)API to allow all the services to run in the foreground state. The system considers only the services where the user is still active as the services not to be killed.

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1 1821

What are the benefits for organizations and IT departments by using Blackberry?


Benefits for organizations :

The BlackBerry Connect technology allows the organizations for standardizing BlackBerry platform and leverages their existing BlackBerry solution investments. The employees’ productivity and performance can also be boosted by providing them the mobile access for their emails and calendars.

Benefits for IT :

IT departments are provided with a solution that is easy to utilize, manage and deploy by using BlackBerry Connect technology. Strict requirements for security and manageability will be satisfied and several devices can be connected to the BlackBerry Platform. 

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0 1770