Technology Questions


What is a class, member and local variable?


Variables declared within a method are local variables. Variables declared within the class are member variables.  Variables declared within the class with static modifier are class variables 

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Subject: Java

0 1506

Cell references in a formula are called


Cell references in a formula are called Assumptions rather than constant values.

All cell references are relative references by default. When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns.

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0 1504

Does Business Intelligence (BI) works with existing applications and databases?


Yes. Business Intelligence (BI) solution like 1KEY is designed to interoperate with data that exists in virtually any enterprise data source, such as Oracle, IBM DB2, or Sybase. For example, you can use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to run reports on data stored in an Oracle database. Also, SQL Server 2005 Integration Services can be used to extract data to or from any OLEDB data source. 1KEY can connect to multiple database, multiple applications like ERP, CRM, SCM, HRM, financial accounting or any other core transactional application (SAP, Orracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Siebel, QAD MFG/Pro, Microsoft Dynamics, Navision, Ramco, Tally.ERP)

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0 1503

Just by seeing the signature of the bean how can you specity whether it is a Statefull of Stateless Session Bean?


The create method in a stateless bean cannot have arguments, and can only have a single method called create(). While create in Stateful bean can have arguments and could be any method starting with create string eg. create(arg1, arg2, ...). Although it is not compiler checked but in stateless bean the ejb Passivate() and ejb Active() methods has to be empty as these functions are never called by EJB container. As conceptually in stateful session bean we might need to store the clients information hence arguments in createare necessary. While in stateless bean we don't hence no arguments are necessary. It's intutive isn't intutive isn't. I my life I haven't seen such a futuristic server programming tool as EJB.

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Subject: Java

1 1502

Comments are

A) Explain program logic B) Non Executable statements in program
C) Both A & B D) Executable statements in program
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Both A & B


Comments are Non Executable statements in program & Explain program logic.

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Filed Under: Application Development
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

2 1501

Which method is used to draw an image on the canvas?


drawImage(image,x,y) method is used to draw an image on the canvas.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1496

What are the different modes of operations used in services for Android?


There are two modes of operations that are necessary to run depending on the value returned by the startcommand(). The modes are as follows:
-  START_STICKY: this mode is used for the services that are explicitly started and stopped according to the need and the requirement of the user.
- START_NOT_STICKY or START_REDELIEVER_INTENT: this service mode is used for services that are running only when the processing command sent to them. That means these run on the basis of the command that is passed to them by giving the instruction of execution.
- Clients uses the Context.bindService() that is used to get the persistent connection for a service. To create a service that is not already running the command onCreate is used.

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0 1496

What is the function of an intent filter?


Because every component needs to indicate which intents they can respond to, intent filters are used to filter out intents that these components are willing to receive. One or more intent filters are possible, depending on the services and activities that is going to make use of it.

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0 1490