Technology Questions


How will u send data from a cobol file to db2 table?


USING HOST VARIABLE we can pass data from COBOL to DB2

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0 1916

What is meant by index cardinality?


The number of distinct values for a column is called index cardinality. DB2's RUNSTATS utility analyzes column value redundancy to determine whether to use a tablespace or index scan to search for data.

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0 1914

What guidelines should be followed to write a structured COBOL program ?


Following guidelines to be following while writing Cobol program:

- Use ? EVALUATE ? statement for constructing cases.

- Use scope terminators for nesting.

- Use in-line Perform statement for writing ?do? constructions.

- Use Test Before and Test After in the Perform statement while writing Do-While statements.

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0 1913

How to store the uploaded file to the final location?


move_uploaded_file( string filename, string destination)

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Subject: PHP

0 1910

Why we can't create an aggregate on an ODS Object?


1. Operational Data Store has very low data latency. Data moved to ODS mostly on event based rather than time based ETL to Data Warehouse/Data Mart. 

2. ODS is more closer to OLTP system. We don't normally prefer to store aggregated data in OLTP. So it is with ODS. 

3. Unlike data warehouse where data is HISTORICAL, ODS is near real time(NRT). So data aggregation is less important is ODS as data keeps changing.

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2 1908

Difference between Swing and Awt ?


AWT are heavy-weight componenets. Swings are light-weight components. Hence swing works faster than AWT.

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Subject: Java

0 1907

What is the use of header() function in php?


The header() function sends a raw HTTP header to a client. We can use header() function for redirection of pages. It is important to notice that  header()  must be called before any actual output is seen..

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Subject: PHP

0 1906

What are the events in ABAP language?


1. Initialization
2. At selection-screen
3. Start-of-selection
4. End-of-selection
5. Top-of-page
6. End-of-page
7. At line-selection
8. At user-command
9. At PF
10. Get
11. At New
12. At LAST
13. AT END

1. Initialization
2. At selection-screen
3. Start-of-selection
4. End-of-selection
5. Top-of-page
6. End-of-page
7. At line-selection
8. At user-command
9. At PF
10. Get
11. At New
12. At LAST
13. AT END
14. AT FIRST - See more at:
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Subject: ABAP

0 1905