.NET Questions


Which interface implements the standard query operators in LINQ?


The standard query operators implement the IEnumerable<T> or the IQueryable<T> interface in C# and the IEnumerable(Of T) or the IQueryable(Of T) interface in Visual Basic.

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Subject: .NET

0 2340

Define Virtual folder.?


It is the folder that contains web applications. The folder that has been published as virtual folder by IIS can only contain web applications

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Subject: .NET
Job Role: Software Architect

0 2270

What are the different types of workflow in WF?


In WF 4.0, the following two types of workflows are used:

     Flowchart workflows - Helps you to create workflows using the common flowchart elements. In WF, the Flowchart activity is generally used to implement a non-sequential workflow, and occasionally it implements sequential workflows in case the FlowDecision nodes are not used. The Flowchart activity contains a collection of flow nodes, which inherit from the FlowNode class. The following types of nodes or elements can be a part of a flowchart:
                 => FlowStep - Executes activities of a flowchart in a sequence.
                 => FlowDecision - Shows the execution on the basis of a Boolean condition.   It is similar to the If construct.
                 => FlowSwitch - Shows the execution on the basis of an exclusive switch. It is similar to the Switch construct.

      Procedural workflows - Helps you to create workflows using basic and sequential execution standards. In WF, procedural workflows use flow control constructs, such as While, Switch, ForEach, and If, to execute activities. These flow control constructs are similar to those found in procedural languages. Procedural workflows can also contain other flow control activities, such as Flowchart and Sequence.

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Subject: .NET

0 2268

Explain how a .NET application is compiled and executed?


Any code written in any .NET complaint languages when compiled, converts into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) code in form of an assembly through CLS, CTS. IL is the language that CLR can understand. On execution, this IL is converted into binary code by CLR’s just in time compiler (JIT) and these assemblies or DLL are loaded into the memory.

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Subject: .NET

0 2218

Explain how a web application works.


A web application resides in the server and serves the client’s requests over internet. The client access the web page using browser from his machine. When a client makes a request, it receives the result in the form of HTML which are interpreted and displayed by the browser.

A web application on the server side runs under the management of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS passes the request received from client to the application. The application returns the requested result in the form of HTML to IIS, which in turn, sends the result to the client.

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Subject: .NET
Job Role: Software Architect

0 2210

What is .NET Framework?


.NET Framework is a complete environment that allows developers to develop, run, and deploy the following applications:

 => Console applications
 => Windows Forms applications
 => Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications
 => Web applications (ASP.NET applications)
 => Web services
 => Windows services
 => Service-oriented applications using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
 => Workflow-enabled applications using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)

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Subject: .NET

0 2203

Explain how garbage collection deals with circular references?


The .Net runtime knows about all the references between the objects. It can identify all the circular references that are reachable from the root and hence finalize them to free them all at once if and when needed.

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Subject: .NET

0 2179

Explain the validation controls. How many validation controls in ASP.NET 4.0?


Validation controls are responsible to validate the data of an input control. Whenever you provide any input to an application, it performs the validation and displays an error message to user, in case the validation fails.

ASP.NET 4.0 contains the following six types of validation controls:

   => CompareValidator - Performs a comparison between the values contained in two controls.
   => CustomValidator - Writes your own method to perform extra validation.
   => RangeValidator- Checks value according to the range of value.
   => RegularExpressionValidator - Ensures that input is according to the specified pattern or not.
   =>  RequiredFieldValidator - Checks either a control is empty or not.
   => ValidationSummary - Displays a summary of all validation error in a central location.

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Subject: .NET

0 2159