

Find the odd words / letters / numbers from the given alternatives .

Answer & Explanation Answer: D) TUWY

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0 737

In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives

Answer & Explanation Answer: C) KMP

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0 737

As of February 2018, who has taken charge as the Chairman of the Tata Sons empire, before which he was the CEO of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)?

A) N Chandrasekaran B) Bhaskar Bhat
C) Nandan Nilekani D) S. Ramadurai
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) N Chandrasekaran

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Filed Under: Famous Personalities
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 736

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence.


A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions


A) Clement   B)  Magnanimous
C) Complaisant   D)  Bigot
Answer & Explanation Answer: B)  Magnanimous

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

1 736

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


It is obviously wrong as the cost of school uniform, books and stationery, and transport, ________ all are under the monopoly of the school, are not included. ______________ private schools want additional money for special occasions like festivals, picnics, ______________ and projects. And they often recommend tuition for the children. None of this ______________ in this cost calculation. However, the family __________ this burden and these items add significantly to the revenue of private schools.


None of this ______________ in this cost calculation.


A) counts B) is counted
C) have been counted D) had been counted
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) is counted

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

1 736

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


Once ______________, it is that time of the year when the examination results season may be just ending and the admissions season is in progress, and marked by a _________________ of two contradictory voices — often from the same people — that rose to deafening ____________ from April to May when the results of various school boards _________________. The first voice __________________ those who succeeded and did wondrously well.


rose to deafening ____________ from April to May


A) level B) levels
C) height D) crescendos
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) levels

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 736

In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.


The groom said to the bride, "I will take good care of you."


A) The groom promised the bride that he would take good care of her. B) The groom has promised the bride that he will be taking good care of her.
C) The groom had promised the bride that he would have taken good care of her. D) The groom promises the bride that he would take good care of her.
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) The groom promised the bride that he would take good care of her.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 736

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


It is a proverbial ___________, that every one makes his own destiny; and __________ is usually interpreted, that every one, by his wise ______ unwise conduct, preparesgood or evil for himself: but we may also understand it, that whatever it be that he receives _________ the hand of Providence, he may so accommodate __________ toit, that he will find his lot good for him, however much may seem to others to be wanting.


It is a proverbial ___________, that every one makes


A) say B) said
C) saying D) says
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) saying

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

0 736