

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


To know ______ reality, the powers of the mind need to be turned back upon itself. With concentration, the mind can ______ its innermost secrets, just as the darkest places reveal their secrets to the penetrating rays of light. We can then ______ soul truths, whether life exists for five minutes or for ______, and whether there is a God. To go beyond the mind and our present reality, we need to use the mind itself as a tool. Patanjali, in his Hatha Yoga Pradipika, stated, “Yoga is the ______ of the modifications of the mind.”


five minutes or for ______, and

A) trinity B) aminity
C) dignity D) eternity
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) eternity

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

______________ reader can add to the list and to the possibilities of a new ethical and moral politics _________________ requires a Gandhian inventiveness of ritual and politics. What I wish to add is a ___________________. The rituals of apology and the question of justice, reconciliation and ethical repair are not easy. They require a rigour and an inventiveness _____________ ethical thinking which ___________________ new experiments with the idea of truth and healing in India.

What I wish to add is a ___________________.

A) fear B) panic
C) warn D) caveat
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) caveat

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.

Public opinion may be passive and false or active and real. It is claimed in theory that all governments are ultimately based on the opinion or sanction of the governed. But we find that in practice the people's rights are often trodden down and tyranny and oppression are allowed to continue. The government does it not because the people want it to do so but because they are too idle, too uneducated and too disunited or timid to oppose the govern ment. Such public opinion is passive and false and not an active verdict. But when we find people alert, intelligent and determined to let the government know their will, when they want to exercise actively their voice in the management of their country, we have an instance of true or active public opinion. True public opinion is formed by and expressed through the press, the platform, political parties and educational institutions. These have sacred duties to perform, duties on which depends the ultimate good of the entire community. The press today wields a tremendous influence, So it should support the causes and move ments and condemn the wrong one's and thus teach people to form correct opinion. A free and fair press ventilates the grievances of the public. Thus a healthy relationship develops between the people and the government through out an unbiased press. Political parties also help to create and regulate opinions. No less important part is played by the educational Institutions which train the minds of the young people who will be the citizens of tomorrow. It has been said that modern Germany and China have been made by their universities. It is necessary that the young and the growing minds should imbibe the spirit of fellow-feeling, the spirit of tolerance, the habit of compromise, and show due regard for the feelings and opinion of others without which a democratic society cannot function, let alone succeed. When there is true awakening of the people, we shall have the real and conscious public opinion. And justice will reign on earth and truly will the voice of the people be the voice of God.

Who among the following has tremendous influence in forming the true public opinion?

A) Press B) Political parties
C) Educational intuitions D) God man
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Press

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select "no improvement".

Tunnels (is built) to connect houses and places of worship whereas innovative trick doors were attached to the underground cities.

A) was built B) were built
C) were building D) no improvement
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) were built

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Modern India has a secular constitution and ______ itself on being a secular country.

A) prides B) humiliates
C) shy D) disgraces
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) prides

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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What denotes offering several products for sale as one combined product?

A) Advertisement B) Product mix
C) Product bundling D) Differentiation
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Product bundling

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Filed Under: Indian Economy
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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What are the organs similar in basic structure/shape, modified to perform different functions called?

A) Analogous organs B) Homologous organs
C) Heterogeneous organs D) Homogenous organs
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Homologous organs

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Filed Under: Biology
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.


A sea change


A) A profound or notable transformation. B) An upcoming storm.
C) Someone who appears turbulent on the outside but is actually calm deep inside. D) As you go deeper into the situation you will see a very different picture.
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) A profound or notable transformation.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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