

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


We also need to work towards a re-engineering of procedures. It __________________ that fear of being scrutinised by the office of the Central Vigilance Commissioner has _________________ loan officers in the public sector into inaction. It is _______________ no use having a publicly-owned banking ___________ that does not extend credit to sound projects on grounds of __________________ scrutiny.


Central Vigilance Commissioner has _________________ loan officers in the public sector into inaction.


A) encouraged B) emboldened
C) petrified D) energized
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) petrified

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 758

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


We get sleepy and wake up, become hungry and thirsty at certain hours, ____________ force of habit. We form the habit of liking a certain chair, or nook, or corner, or path, or desk, and __________ seek this to the exclusion of all others. We ______________ use a particular pitch of voice and type of enunciation in speaking, and this becomes one of our characteristic marks; or we _________ the habit of using barbarisms or solecisms of language in __________, and these cling to us and become an inseparable part of us later in life.


desk, and __________ seek this to the exclusion



A) than B) there
C) then D) that
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) then

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

0 758

 If an object travels in a straight line and its velocity increases or decreases by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the acceleration of the object is said to be ______________.

A) linear B) uniform
C) translational D)
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) uniform

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Filed Under: Physics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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The sensation of sound persists in the human brain for about:

A) 0.5 sec B) 0.2 sec
C) 0.1 sec D) 1 sec
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 0.1 sec

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Filed Under: Physics
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams

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What was the total number of books sold in Shop Q in 2003, 2004, and 2005?

A) 36500 B) 38500
C) 37500 D) 39000
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 37500


Required total number of sales = 14.4 + 7.4 + 15.7 = 37.5
Thousand = 37500.

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0 758

Who appoints the chairman of all the parliamentary committees of Lok Sabha?

A) President of India B) Prime Minister of India
C) Speaker of Lok Sabha of India D) Home Minister of India
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Speaker of Lok Sabha of India

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 758

How many members are nominated in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha respectively by the President of India?

A) 2, 12 B) 12, 2
C) 10, 20 D) 20, 10
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 12, 2

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 758

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.

We set out for the gallows. Two warders marched on either side of the prisoner, with their rifles at the slope; two others marched close against him, gripping him by his arm and shoulder, as though, at once pushing and supporting him. The rest of us, magistrates and the like, followed behind. Suddenly, when we had gone ten yards, the procession stopped short without any order or warning. A dreadful thing had happened ­ a dog, come goodness knows whence, had appeared in the yard. It came bounding among us with a loud volley of barks, and leapt round us wagging its whole body, wild with glee at finding so many human beings together. It was a large woolly dog, half Airedale, half Pariah. For a moment, it pranced round us, and then, before anyone could stop it, it had made a dash for the prisoner, and jumping up tried to lick his face. Everyone stood aghast, too taken aback even to grab at the dog.

What was the tone of the essay at the beginning?

A) Celebrative B) Emotionally charged
C) Gloomy D) Light­-hearted
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Gloomy

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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