

In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.




A) Fat   B) Broad  
C) Dumpy   D) Slim
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Slim

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

0 838

Which of the following is biodegradable?

A) Cattle dung B) Aluminium cans
C) Plastics D) D.D.T
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Cattle dung


Any substance that does not cause pollution and is capable of getting decomposed by any living organism is called as Bio degradable. Human & animal excreta, plant wastes etc... come under bio-degradable.

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Filed Under: General Science
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

3 838

When a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation,the right to move a Court for the enforcement of all Fundamental Rights remains suspended, except

A) Article 20 and Article 21 B) Article 21 and Article 22
C) Article 19 and Article 20 D) Article 15 and Article 16
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Article 20 and Article 21


The right to protection in respect of conviction for offences (Article 20) and the right to life and personal liberty (Article 21) remain enforceable even during emergency.

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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______________ scheme launched by the Central Government aims to promote entrepreneurship among people from schedule caste/schedule tribe.

A) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana B) Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan
C) Stand up India scheme D) National RU URBAN Mission
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Stand up India scheme

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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What percentage of India's population is employed in agriculture?

A) 85% B) 70%
C) 55% D) 40%
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 70%

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Filed Under: General Awareness
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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The force of friction between two surfaces will increase if:

A) a layer of lubricant is kept between the two surfaces B) the two surfaces are pressed harder
C) air gap is created between the two surfaces D) irregularities on both the surfaces are removed
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) the two surfaces are pressed harder

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Filed Under: Physics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In which of the following mentioned activities is the potential energy (P.E) converted into kinetic energy(K.E)?

A) The explosion of a fire cracker B) The switching on of a torch
C) The switching off of a torch D) The swinging of a pendulum
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) The swinging of a pendulum

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Filed Under: Physics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.

The first working steam­ powered vehicle was designed and most likely built by Ferdinand Verbies, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in China around 1672. It was a 65 cm long scale­ model toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger. It is not known if Verbiest's model was ever built. Nicolas- Joseph Cugnot is widely credited with building the first full­ scale, self ­propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769; he also created a steam­ powered tricycle. He constructed two steam tractors for the French Army, one of which is preserved in the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. His inventions were however handicapped by problems of water supply and maintaining steam pressure. In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam ­powered road vehicle. It was unable to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods. Sentiment against steam ­powered road vehicles led to the Locomotive Acts of 1865. In 1807 Nicephore Niepce and his brother Claude probably created the world's first internal combustion engine which they called Pyreolophore.

The first full­scale, working steam ­powered tricycle was built by:

A) Verbiest B) Cugnot
C) Trevithick D) Niepce
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Cugnot

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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