Interview Questions


How to get the contents of an input box using Javascript?


Use the "value" property.
var myValue = window.document.getElementById("MyTextBox").value;

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1959

What is the functionality of md5 function in PHP?


Calculate the md5 hash of a string. The hash is a 32-character hexadecimal number. I use it to generate keys which I use to identify users etc. If I add random no techniques to it the md5 generated now will be totally different for the same string I am using.

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Subject: PHP

0 1957

What are your strengths?


What are your strengths?

Purpose - The question is asked by the interviewer to understand your key selling point and get to know if it is relevant and helpful to handle the responsibilities that the person will handle if hired.

Note - All Most all Interviewers/Hiring people in management who assign tasks and responsibilities feel that a person is productive in work if his strength matches to the responsibilities of the role. So expect this question in most interviews. Also, be aware Strengths give clues on your interest.

Approach - Pick 2 or 3 strengths and give examples for each 1 to demonstrate how you used it in the previous job or in life. You can identify Some of your strengths from below list.
Continuous learning
Problem solving
Self learning
Team Player
Hard working
Like Challenges
Quick Learner
Self Motivated
Communication, Oral and Written
Process Oriented

Pre-work -Understand the job requirement in detail and get to know in advance what are the responsibilities the role you are applying and accordingly pick your strength that is relevant to the role. It would be advantageous to know the problems are issues the company is facing and what was the reason for the opening. You should be prepared for this question. It is one of the most commonly asked interview question.

E.g.: Communication and presentation - Communication and presentation is my strength.
In my previous job, I was given additional responsibilities to present and facilitate project status meetings with executive management and team building activities across departments.

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4 1956

What does a VLAN do?

A) Breaks up broadcast domains in a layer 2 switch internetwork B) Provides multiple broadcast domains within a single collision domain
C) Provides multiple collision domains on one switch port D) Acts as the fastest port to all servers
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Breaks up broadcast domains in a layer 2 switch internetwork


virtual LAN (VLAN) is any broadcast domain that is partitioned and isolated in a computer network at the data link layer (OSI layer 2). LAN is the abbreviation for local area network and in this context, virtual refers to a physical object recreated and altered by additional logic.

VLANs work by applying tags to network packets and handling these tags in networking systems – creating the appearance and functionality of network traffic that is physically on a single network but acts as if it is split between separate networks. In this way, VLANs can keep network applications separate despite being connected to the same physical network, and without requiring multiple sets of cabling and networking devices to be deployed.

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0 1955

File contains 5 records say D,E,F,C,A-I want to copy D and A records only by using file-aid?


Go to file-aid copy option.Enter the from dataset to be copied and to dataset to which you want to copy.go to options. Enter 0 at Initial records to skip field.Then enter 3 at the no of records to skip field and 1 to no of records to enter and PF3.

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0 1955

Define PL/SQL. Explain its purpose


PL/SQL is Procedural Language SQL that is an extension of SQL that results in a more structural language composed of blocks. It is mainly used in writing applications that needs to be structured and has error handling.

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Subject: Oracle

0 1955

Smart money is a term used for

A) Credit cards B) Cash with bank
C) Cash with public D) Internet banking
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Credit cards


Smart money is a term used for credit card.

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Filed Under: Bank Interview
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

0 1952

Generally accepted accounting principles are


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are basic accounting principles and guidelines are concepts that govern the field of accounting.


Accounting principles and guidelines include :


* Business Entity Assumption

* Accounting Period

* Historical Cost Concept

* Full Disclosure Principle

* Cost Principle

* Matching Principle

* Materiality

* Monetary Unit Assumption.

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Subject: Accounts Payable Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT
Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO

1 1951