Interview Questions


What is BAS? What is its function ?


The Business Application Support (BAS) functional area at SLAC provides administrative computing services to the Business Services Division and Human Resources Department. We are responsible for software development and maintenance of the PeopleSoft applications and consultation to customers with their computer-related tasks.

It's called Broadcast Agent Server. Its function is torun the jobs or reports scheduled and can be monitored using Broadcast Agent Console.

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0 1978

Are arrays primitive data types?

Answer In Java, Arrays are objects.
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Subject: Java

0 1978

What is a PeopleSoft database?


Peoplesoft Database is similar to other database which is used to store data. Peoplesoft database stores data in a table format for system PeopleTools and Application tables. This is independent of the process you use to retrieve that data from PeopleSoft. Inside PeopleSoft database, only three types of tables reside inside the schema: System Catalog tables, PeopleTools tables, and Application data tables. Two of these table types, System Catalog and PeopleTools tables, can be referred to as metadata tables; users make use of Application data tables to store the data they need for their processes.

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Subject: Oracle

0 1977

What are the different layers of cloud computing?


Cloud computing consists of 3 layers in the hierarchy and these are as follows:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides cloud infrastructure in terms of hardware like memory, processor speed etc. 

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides cloud application platform for the developers. 

3. Software as a Service (SaaS) provides cloud applications which are used by the user directly without installing anything on the system. The application remains on the cloud and it can be saved and edited in there only.

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Subject: Cloud Computing

0 1977

What is JAR file?


A JAR file (short for Java Archive) is a ZIP file used to distribute a set of Java classes. It is used to store compiled Java classes and associated metadata that can constitute a program

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Subject: Java

0 1975

Why many companies are switching their current business language to PHP? Where PHP basically used?


PHP is rapidly gaining the popularity and many companies are switching their current language for this language. PHP is a server side scripting language. PHP executes the instructions on the server itself. Server is a computer where the web site is located. PHP is used to create dynamic pages and provides faster execution of the instructions.

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Subject: PHP

0 1974

Name any three PL/SQL exceptions?






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Subject: SQL

0 1971

What are the uses of Amazon web services?


Amazon web services consist of a component called as Amazon S3 that acts as a input as well used as an output data store. It is used in checking the input and according to that gives the output. The input consists of the web that is stored on Amazon S3 as object and it is update frequently to make the changes in the whole architecture. It is required due to the on demand growing of the data set and to provide persistent storage.

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Subject: Cloud Computing

0 1968