Interview Questions


Explain the different types of errors in PHP.


Notices, Warnings and Fatal errors are the types of errors in PHP


Notices represents non-critical errors, i.e. accessing a variable that has not yet been defined. By default, such errors are not displayed to the user at all but whenever required, you can change this default behavior.


Warnings are more serious errors but they do not result in script termination. i.e calling include() a file which does not exist. By default, these errors are displayed to the user.

Fatal errors: 

Fatal errors are critical errors i.e. calling a non-existent function or class. These errors cause the immediate termination of the script.

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Subject: PHP

0 2550

What is a prompt box?


A prompt box allows the user to enter input by providing a text box.

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Subject: Web Technology

1 2550

When do you use UPDATE_STATISTICS command?


This command is used when a large processing of data has occurred. If any large amount of deletions, any modifications, or Bulk Copy into the tables has occurred, it has to update the indexes to take these changes into account. UPDATE_STATISTICS updates the indexes on these tables accordingly.


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Subject: SQL

0 2549

What are the main components of .NET Framework?


.NET Framework provides enormous advantages to software developers in comparison to the advantages provided by other platforms. Microsoft has united various modern as well as existing technologies of software development in .NET Framework. These technologies are used by developers to develop highly efficient applications for modern as well as future business needs. The following are the key components of .NET Framework:

 =>   .NET Framework Class Library
 =>   Common Language Runtime
 =>   Dynamic Language Runtimes (DLR)
 =>   Application Domains
 =>   Runtime Host
 =>   Common Type System
 =>   Metadata and Self-Describing Components
 =>   Cross-Language Interoperability
 =>  .NET Framework Security
 =>   Profiling
 =>   Side-by-Side Execution

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Subject: .NET

0 2546

What is the common usage of serialization? What exceptions occur during serialization?


The object need to be serialized when it’s sent over a network and when it’s state is saved. Exceptions which occur during serialization are:

a. transient fields

b. when the base class is serialized then only base class fields are handled.

c. static fields are ignored because they are not part of any state.

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Subject: Java

1 2545

How do you get more retailers / customers for your business? What are the steps you would take?


Applicant should answer that being in a wholesale market, he/she would plan and direct advertising and promotional activities to attract more retailer suppliers. Promotional activities like posters, contests, coupons, give-away to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or services from customers or retailers.

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Subject: Retail

1 2539

What is walkthrough and inspection?


Walkthrogh: Very informal type of review or testing method. Done by peers, so its called peer review.

Inspection: very technical type of review or testing method, done by the highly technically sound people.

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Subject: QA Testing

0 2539

What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?


A scheduling agreement can be made for Consignment, Subcontracting and stock transfer. A contract, also known as a blanket PO, can be made for standard items and can be restricted to a Value or QTY.

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View answer Workspace Report Error Discuss

Subject: SAP

2 2538