Interview Questions


Can you explain how to insert an image in table in oracle?


Insert image into a table

Create the following table:

      create table pics_table (

      bfile_id number,

      bfile_desc varchar2(30),

      bfile_loc bfile,

      bfile_type varchar2(4))

      TABLESPACE appl_data

      storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) 

Insert Query:

      INSERT INTO pics_table

      VALUES(4,'test image',bfilename('GIF_FILES','Test.JPG'),'JPEG'); 

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Subject: Oracle

2 3645

Write SQL Query to find second highest salary of Employee.


There are many ways to find second highest salary of Employee in SQL, you can either use SQL Join or Subquery to solve this problem. Here is SQL query using Subquery :

SELECT MAX(Salary) from Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN (select MAX(Salary) FROM Employee );

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Subject: SQL

2 3641

Selecting and managing marketing channels :

On what criteria can channel members be evaluated for their proper selection?


The SCPCA method can be used to evaluate channel members.

a) Sales (S): How much sales each channel member can give within a cetain time frame

b) Cost(C): How much cost would be incurred for each channel?

c) Profitability(P): Which channel can give better profitability to the company?

d) Control(C): Whether company can have better control over its channel members or not.

e) Adaptability (A): Whether the channel alternatives are flexible enough to any changes or not. The channel meeting the objectives of the company is selected

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0 3641

What does inheriatance allows you to do?

A) create a class B) access methods
C) create a hierarchy of classes D) None of the mentioned
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) create a hierarchy of classes

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Filed Under: C++

1 3640

How to write Regression test cases? What are the criteria?


Regression test cases are also based on the requirement documents. They are written more into detail and with every release (build), the testers need to do regression testing. The criteria for regression testing are; there should be no major defects while we do our smoke test and functional testing.

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Subject: QA Testing

0 3630

What is the table that is used for aging bucket report, what is the main purpose of this report?


Time periods you define to age your debit items. Aging buckets are used in the Aging reports to see both current and outstanding debit items. For example you can define an aging bucket that includes all debit items that are 1 to 30 days past due.

Normal table used for this Report is < 30 days 30-60 days 60-90 days 90-180 days and >180 days

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2 3625

What have you learned from your studies that can be applied to a career in investment banking?


You might initially think that if you haven’t done a degree in finance or economics you haven’t got very much to offer an investment bank, but you’d be wrong. Any numerate discipline will have given you a mathematical toolkit that will come in useful in technical banking work, and any good degree proves that you’re intelligent, hardworking, and effective under pressure. Extra-curricular activities may have given you a wealth of other skills that are valuable at an investment bank, such as being able to juggle a number of commitments and work with others.

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Subject: Bank Interview

2 3625

What is PHP's mysqli Extension?


The mysqli extension , or as it is sometimes known, the MYSQL improved extension ,was developed to take advantage of new features found in MYSQL systems versions 4.1.3 and later.

The mysqli extension has a number of benfits,the key enhancements over the mysql extension being:
=> Object-oriented interface
=> Support for prepared statements
=> Support for multiple statements
=> Support for transactions
=> Enhanced debugging capabilities
=> Embedded server support

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Subject: PHP

0 3624