Interview Questions


What are steps to define supplier?


Supplier should follow the check list.

1. He should create confidence in the client mind
2. Services to be done (fulfilled in time)
3. Services to be done according the specification of the client
4. He should be placed the another order by doing the above three steps

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Subject: Accounts Payable

6 4837

Write an SQL Query to find employees whose name starts with an ‘M’?


SELECT *FROM Employees WHERE EmpName like ‘M%’.


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Subject: SQL

0 4830

What role does leadership play for a manager? How have you demonstrated this with your managers?


Tips : 

The leader's role is :

To communicate the strategic vision to management with clarity

 To translate the vision into concrete direction and plans

To identify and communicate priorities, short term objectives, timelines, performance measures, clear accountabilities and performance agreements to management;

 To provide quality judgment and advice.

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10 4817

What do you understand by Variance Report in payroll?


Variance Report is to know what is the difference between last month salary and the current month salary you can also check in that report all input which you have considered its captured or not

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1 4798

Promotions and promotion mix :

What is the difference between a marketing mix and a promotional mix?


A marketing mix and a promotional mix does have some differences, both being highly crucial for the success of a business. Marketing is very essential for the growth and continuity of business operations. It helps in creating new customers and retaining the existing ones to keep the business ongoing. Marketing focuses on all the elements of the marketing mix viz product, price, place and promotion while promotion focuses more on the customer- how to reach a product to its customers and how to sell it to them ultimately

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3 4791

What is Treasury Bills?


A Treasury Bill (known as T-Bill) is an instrument of money market, used to finance short term requirements of Government of a country. A T-Bill is issued at a rate lower than the Face value, and redeemed at Face value on maturity, this difference is the rate of interest on T-Bill. This rate of interest is called Risk free Rate of the country.


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Subject: Finance

2 4785

Explain $_FILES Superglobal Array.


Array                                              Descriptions
--------------------------------           -----------------------------------
$_FILES['userfile']['name']              The original name of the file on the client machine.

$_FILES['userfile']['type']                The MIME type of the file if the browser provided 

                                                   this information. An example would be "image/gif".

$_FILES['userfile']['size']                The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.

$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']      The temporary filename of the file in which the

                                                  uploaded file was stored on the server.

$_FILES['userfile']['error']              The error code  associated with this file upload.

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Subject: PHP

0 4776

What is ‘Bill Discount’ ?


‘Bill Discount’ is a settlement of the bill, where your electricity bill or gas bill is sold to a bank for early payment at less than the face value and the bank will recover the full amount of the bill from you before bill due date. For example, electricity bill for XYZ is $1000; the electricity bill company will sell the bill to the bank for 10% to 20% discount to the face value. Here, the bank will buy the electricity bill for $900 whose face value is $1000, now the bank will recover, full amount of bill from the customer i.e $1000. If the customer fails to pay the bill, the bank will put interest on the outstanding bill and ask the customer for the payment.


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Subject: Bank Interview

2 4766