Interview Questions


A dentist would apply for a license with the

A) City government B) State government
C) Federal government D) Central government
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) State government

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Filed Under: Medical Interview
Job Role: Analyst

3 1825

How to create Directory on the HD?


To create directory on the HD we use mkDir() method:

boolean mkDir();

This method returns true if the directory is created on HD

This method returns false if the directory is already existing on HD

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Subject: Java

0 1824

What is the difference between path and classpath?


Path contains path of .exe files(commands).

Classpath contains path of packages. packages can be stored in folder or .jar files

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Subject: Java

0 1824

What is the main reason of using process lifecycle in Android?


The android system will keep all the process that are hosting the services together at one place till the time the service is not started or connected to the client. The priority of the process is divided when running low on memory or when the process has to be killed. The process lifecycle is as follows:
- The service is running currently then the methods onCreate(), onStartCommand(), and onDestroy()methods, will run in the foreground to execute the process without being killed.
- The service is already started then the process can be considered as less important then the processes that are currently visible and used. This is done as there are only few processes that are visible to the users on the screen.
- The clients are bounded to the services they are providing requires more priority in the execution list.
- The service that is started uses startForeground(int, Notification)API to allow all the services to run in the foreground state. The system considers only the services where the user is still active as the services not to be killed.

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1 1823

why overriding finalize() method?


If constructor opens the file 

finalize() method closes that file.


If constructor opens the connection 

finalize() method closes that connection.


To perform finalization operation we must overriding finalize method.

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Subject: Java

0 1822

What are the various elements of OOPS?


Various elements of OOP are:

• Object

• Class

• Method

• Encapsulation

• Information Hiding

• Inheritance

• Polymorphism

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Subject: Java

0 1822

How to Estimate Testing effort ?


Time Estimation method for Testing Process:


Step 1 : count number of use cases (NUC) of system 

Step 2 : Set Avg. Time Test Cases(ATTC) as per test plan 

Step 3 : Estimate total number of test cases (NTC) 

Total number of test cases = Number of Use Cases X Avg. Test Cases per a use case 

Step 4 : Set Avg. Execution Time (AET) per a test case 

Step 5 : Calculate Total Execution Time (TET) 

TET = Total number of test cases * AET 

Step 6 : Calculate Test Case Creation Time (TCCT)

usually we will take 1.5 times of TET as TCCT

TCCT = 1.5 * TET

Step 7 : Time for Re-Test Case Execution (RTCE) this is for retesting

usually we take 0.5 times of TET

RTCE = 0.5 * TET

Step 8 : Set Report generation Time (RGT

usually we take 0.2 times of TET

RGT = 0.2 * TET

Step 9 : Set Test Environment Setup Time (TEST)

it also depends on test plan

Step 10 : Total Estimation time = TET + TCCT+ RTCE + RGT + TEST + some buffer.


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Subject: QA Testing

0 1820

What is the DNS forwarder?


DNS servers often must communicate with DNS servers outside of the local network. A forwarder is an entry that is used when a DNS server receives DNS queries that it cannot resolve locally. It then forwards those requests to external DNS servers for resolution.

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0 1816