Interview Questions


What divisions, sections and paragraphs are mandatory for a COBOL program?


IDENTIFICATION DIVISION and PROGRAM-ID paragraph are mandatory for a compilation error free COBOL program.

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0 2290

Designing pricing strategies and programs :

How do buyers respond to price changes?


Depending upon the increase or decrease in price rates, buyers may respond accordingly. Some buyers may assume that quality of the product may have reduced to to reduction in price or that the company may not be selling the product as per expectations. The other assumption that buyers may make is that prices may go down in the future and so may delay purchase. On the other hand increased price may lead to a decrease in demand as the product may be more costly for the consumers who may switch to another seller offering similar products at lower prices.

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0 2288

In HTML 5 we do not need DTD why?


HTML 5 does not use SGML or XHTML it’s completely a new thing so you do not need to refer DTD. For HTML 5 you just need to put the below doctype code which makes the browser identify that this is a HTML 5 document.

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2 2287

What are the different functions in sorting an array?


sort() , rsort(), asort()
ksort()   , usort()
arsort()  , uksort()
natsort() , natcasesort()

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Subject: PHP

0 2286

What do you think about the challenges faced by a Business Analyst ?


Change management is the biggest challenge in each and every industry. After requirements stage when development is started client will come-up with some new changes or enhancements. 

Cross departmental or cross team management – like conflict management between teams. Also individuals. This requires soft skills and smartness. 

Communication problems – In real time this can happen. You might be good in speaking and understanding the English language. BUT sometimes it happens like Different people across the globe speak different style of English. In USA itself Mexico people speak English differently. Romans speak different English. So at initial level to understand the accent can be a challenge but after some time you will become perfect. 

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0 2283

Differentiate between localStorage and sessionStorage objects.


- localStorage object stores the data without an expiry date while sessionStorage object stores the data only for one session. 

- With localStorage object, data will not be deleted when the browser window is closed while the data is deleted when the browser window closes with sessionStorage objects.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 2281

What are the different types of workflow in WF?


In WF 4.0, the following two types of workflows are used:

     Flowchart workflows - Helps you to create workflows using the common flowchart elements. In WF, the Flowchart activity is generally used to implement a non-sequential workflow, and occasionally it implements sequential workflows in case the FlowDecision nodes are not used. The Flowchart activity contains a collection of flow nodes, which inherit from the FlowNode class. The following types of nodes or elements can be a part of a flowchart:
                 => FlowStep - Executes activities of a flowchart in a sequence.
                 => FlowDecision - Shows the execution on the basis of a Boolean condition.   It is similar to the If construct.
                 => FlowSwitch - Shows the execution on the basis of an exclusive switch. It is similar to the Switch construct.

      Procedural workflows - Helps you to create workflows using basic and sequential execution standards. In WF, procedural workflows use flow control constructs, such as While, Switch, ForEach, and If, to execute activities. These flow control constructs are similar to those found in procedural languages. Procedural workflows can also contain other flow control activities, such as Flowchart and Sequence.

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Subject: .NET

0 2281

How to derive test scenarios and use cases? What are the contents and format?


 Test scenarios are derived from requirement documents. We follow each and every functionality (called business rules) mentioned in the requirement document. One functionality can have multiple business rules. For example, let us say in there is one requirement called “Login”. This “Login” may have various scenarios. For example, one scenario is, enter the right User ID and wrong password. The system should display an error message. Another scenario would be to enter wrong User ID and right Password. The system should display an error message. The third scenario could be to enter the right User Name and right Password. The system should allow the user to get into the system. This is how the test cases are derived from the requirement documents or from the Use Cases.

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Subject: QA Testing

0 2279