Hormone that helps regulate calcium balance
PTH - Parathyroid hormone which balances calcium levels if they are low.
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Storage containers for recyclables must be designed to
Storage containers for recyclables must be designed to prevent the entry of rodents.
When electrical brain waves have ceased, this is called
Which is an example of a physical change?
In all the above given options, there is no chemical change or reactions takes place only the shape or physical state is changed.
Speeding is a factor in _% of all fatal accidents?
In all the fatal accidents, 30% of them are with speeding factor.
Which would usually be studied by a geologist?
A geology is a branch of science that deals with the study of Earth, its structure and materials made it. And the person who studies this is called as Geologist.
While landing what type of tyres are used in an Aircraft?
Tyres that are used in an Aircraft for landing are tubeless tyres.
What reacts with oxygen to produce rust?
Iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture or water to form a red oxide called rust and the reaction involved is called as Redox reaction.