Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
India has already made
P-substantial concessionsQ-to enable a consensusR-for the Paris pact
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Williamson shoveled scorn on
P-the low-income white Republican voters who,Q-were most responsible for the rise of TrumpR-as he saw it,
We need notP-order to nurture true cosmopolitanismQ-burden of loving each other inR-place on ourselves the unbearable
To begin with,
P-is not that they are 'unsmart'Q-the problem with Indian citiesR-but that they are dysfunctional
We must urgently
P-ethics that respects, and respondsQ-humanely to, the strangers in our citiesR-and consciously develop a new
Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order
The party has not just
P-vacated space for otherQ-being steadily hollowed out ideologicallyR-political parties, but it is also
Select the antonym of