English Questions


Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to the question out of the four alternatives.


Most economists in the United States seem captivated by the spell of the free market. Consequently, nothing seems good or normal that does not accord with the requirements of the free market. A price that is determined by the seller or, for that matter (for that matter: so far as that is concerned), established by anyone other than the aggregate of consumers seems pernicious. Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination of prices by the seller) as both "normal" and having a valuable economic function. In fact, price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires. Modern industrial planning requires and rewards great size. Hence, a comparatively small number of large firms will be competing for the same group of consumers. That each large firm will act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors charge is commonly recognized by advocates of free-market economic theories. But each large firm will also act with full consideration of the needs that it has in common with the other large firms competing for the same customers.


What does not seem as not good or normal in the context of this essay?


A) the new interest in free market B) being captivated by spell of the free market
C) that which does not accord with the requirement of the free market D) the economists who are captivated by the free market
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) that which does not accord with the requirement of the free market

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

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Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to the question out of the four alternatives.


But the war did not cease; though friend and foe alike were almost drowned in blood. It seemed as powerful as eternity, and in time Tony Vassall too went to battle and was killed. The country gave Patience a widow's pension, as well a touching inducement to marry again; she died of grief. Many people died in those days, it was not strange at all. Nathan and his wife got so rich that after the war they died of overeating, and their daughter Olive came into a vast fortune and a Trustee.


"............ as well a touching inducement to marry." Here inducement means


A) agreement B) invocation
C) reminder D) encouragement
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) encouragement

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

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In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.


Abhay said, "I will go to Surat tomorrow".


A) Abhay said that he would go to Surat the next day. B) Abhay said he would go to Surat tomorrow.
C) Abhay said he will be going to Surat the next day. D) Abhay said that he would go to Surat tomorrow.
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Abhay said that he would go to Surat the next day.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No error'.

No sooner did the sun rise (1)/ when we resumed the journey (2)/ after having a hasty breakfast. (3)/ No Error (4)

A) 1 B) 2
C) 3 D) 4
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 2

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P: When all the credit worthy people were given loans to a logical limit, they ceased to be a part of the market.
Q: Even this would have been understandable if it could work as an eye opener.
R: Owing to the materialistic culture elsewhere, it was possible to keep selling newer products to the consumers despite having existing ones which served equally
S: They were lured through advertising and marketing techniques of 'dustbinisation' of the customer; and then finally, once they became ready customers, they were
given loans and credits to help them by more and more.

Answer & Explanation Answer: B) RSPQ

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In this section, each of the following sentences has a blank space and four words are given below it. select the word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

In this University, there is no __________ for awarding scholarships on the basic of merit in examination alone.

A) precedent B) opportunity
C) chance D) possibility
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) precedent


Precedent means prior arrangement; no other option is suitable. Opportunity means a favorable juncture of circumstances. Chance is a synonym for opportunity, it also means something that happens without intension. possibility is the condition of being possible.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.


A little bird told me


A) Have a strong network of spies from where you get reliable information from which you can profit. B) Used to indicate that the speaker knows something but chooses to keep the identity of their informant secret.
C) A secret which is known by everybody. D) A person unknowingly letting out a secret.
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Used to indicate that the speaker knows something but chooses to keep the identity of their informant secret.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


Many persons of good education unconsciously circumscribe themselves ___________ a small vocabulary. They have a knowledge of hundreds of desirable wordswhich they do not put _________ practical use in their speech or writing. Many, too, are conscious __________ a poverty of language, which engenders in them a senseof timidity and self-___________. The method used for building a large vocabulary has __________ been confined to the study of single words.


circumscribe themselves ___________ a small vocabulary.


A) without B) within
C) withheld D) withdrew
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) within

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Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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