General Knowledge Questions


In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

It is not _____ to ignore all allegations of booth capturing and rigging as murmurs of _____ losers. _____ have come to light of intimidation of whole villages and communities to make them vote for a particular candidate or party. At times election officials have been _____ by unscrupulous politicians into turning a blind eye to _____ practices.

At times election officials have been _____ by unscrupulous politicians

A) decided B) safeguarded
C) rejuvenated D) threatened
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) threatened

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 741

Each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.

S1 :We do not know, after 60 years of equation, how to protect ourselves against epidemics like cholera and plague.

S6 :This is the disastrous result of the system under which we are educated.

P :If our doctors could have started learning medicine at an earlier age, they would not make such a poor show as they do.

Q : I have seen hundreds of homes. I cannot say that I have found any evidence in them of knowledge of hygiene.

R : I consider it a very serious blot on the state of our education that our doctors have not found it possible to eradicate these diseases.

S :I have the greatest doubt whether our graduates know what one should do in case on is bitten by a snake.

The correct sequence should be

A) R Q S P B) P R Q S
C) Q R P S D) P Q S R
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) R Q S P


RQSP is the correct order in which sentences should be arranged.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 741

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence.


Be appropriate or applicable


A) Futile   B) Extraneous  
C) Appertain   D) Irrelative
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Appertain  

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE

1 740

The Prime Minister is the ex-officio President of

Answer & Explanation Answer: B) CSIR

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Who propounded the homeopathic principle of 'like cures like'?

A) Hippocrates B) Samuel Hahnemann
C) Samuel Cockburn D) George Vithoulkas
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Samuel Hahnemann

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Filed Under: General Science
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

1 740

Who wrote the Indian historical fiction novel 'The Rise of Sivagami' published in March 2017?

A) Arundhati Roy B) Amish Tripathi
C) Devdutt Pattanaik D) Anand Neelakantan
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Anand Neelakantan

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Filed Under: Books and Authors
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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India and which country, on 25 October, 2017, agreed to implement helicopter operations from ships to strengthen maritime security?

A) USA B) Somalia
C) Japan D) Germany
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) USA

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Filed Under: General Awareness
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 740

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


The news has always ____________ predicated on informing the consumer. It speaks of — apart from the day’s most ____________ upheavals — the best and the worst that _____________ has managed to accomplish each day. This includes the medal-winners, the laureates, the record-breakers, the deal-makers _________the criminals, the villains, the corrupt. The news regales us ________ the highlights, a reel of the most provoking ones that made it into a window of a half-an-hour.


the deal-makers _________ the criminals,



A) if B) but
C) also D) and
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) and

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , GRE , TOEFL

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