General Knowledge Questions


In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

Answer & Explanation Answer: A) DOCILE

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1088

Who gave the 'General Equilibrium Theory'?

A) J. M. Keynes B) Leon Walras
C) David Ricardo D) Adam Smith
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Leon Walras

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Filed Under: General Awareness
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1088

Which one of the following hypotheses postulates that individual's consumption in any time period depends upon resources available to the individual, rate of return on his capital and age of the individual?

A) Absolute Income Hypothesis B) Relative Income Hypothesis
C) Life Cycle Hypothesis D) Permanent Income Hypothesis
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Life Cycle Hypothesis


The life-cycle theory of consumption, popularly known as life-cycle hypothesis,' was developed by Ando and Modigliani" in the early 1960s.

The life-cycle hypothesis postulates that individual consumption in any time period depends on

(i) resources available to the individual,

(ii) the rate of return on his capital, and

(iii) the age of the individual.

The resources available to an individual consist of his existing net wealth and the present value of all his current and future labour incomes. According to the life-cycle hypothesis, a rational consumer plans consumption on the basis of all his resources and allocates his income to consumption over time so that he maximizes his total utility over his life time.

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Filed Under: Indian Economy
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1088

Which of the following constitutional Amendment Act, deals with the Elementary Education as a Fundamental Right?

A) 84th Amendment Act B) 85th Amendment Act
C) 86th Amendment Act D) 87th Amendment Act
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 86th Amendment Act

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Filed Under: Indian Politics

2 1088

Kurukshetra, the famous battle field mentioned in Mahabharata was located near

A) Rawalpindi B) Meerut
C) New Delhi D) Ambala City
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Ambala City

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Filed Under: Indian Geography
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

4 1087

In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.


My grandmother died five years ______.


A) Ago B) Since
C) Before D) From
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Ago

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , CAT

0 1087

"Personology" refers to _____.

A) the study of healthy, well-adjusted individuals B) the study of how individuals operate within groups
C) an old, outdated term for personality psychology D) the study of the whole person
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) the study of the whole person

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Filed Under: General Science
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

2 1087

In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

There was already a sizable(A)/ gap between her car and(B)/the one front of her.(C)/No error(D)


A) A B) B
C) C D) D
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) C

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1087