Bank Exams Questions


The bar graph shows 1 month's sales figures of different brands of washing machines of a certain electronics store in Rs. 1000s. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.



Sales of which washing machine brand were the second highest?


A) G B) D
C) C D) A
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) A

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Filed Under: Bar Charts
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the nature versus nurture debate sociologists claim that

A) nature and nurture have equal importance.  B) neither nature nor nurture creates the essence of our humanity.
C) nurture is far more important than nature. D) None
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) nurture is far more important than nature.

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Filed Under: General Science
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Life is full of ______ types of experiences.Strange, in fact, are the ways of God.If a man is happy today, he may be ______ unhappy the very next day.Some ______ are pleasant and joyful while others are full of ______ and pain.If at one time a person finds himself on top of the world, at the ______ time he is depressed and downcast.

Life is full of ______ types of experiences.



A) varied B) systematic
C) allied D) amplified
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) varied

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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All this does not bode _______________ for even the loosest definitions of cosmopolitanism. A city by definition is a space, as ________________ historians and sociologists have already told us, which ideally privileges and _________________ the unexpected encounter, and calls on its citizens to be able to respond humanely even to those _______________ are not linked to us in familial, ethnic, nationalist or caste ___________________.


All this does not bode _______________ for even the loosest definitions of cosmopolitanism.



A) well B) nice
C) good D) fine
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) well

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.


All of us have admired some writers, ______________ their work over that of others for their writing style as much as for the content of their work. ____________ writer who has, for more than half a century, _______________ for his searing honesty is George Orwell. He is recondite, but he is never ________________. He says it as it is and yet says it as it has not been said ____________.


He says it as it is and yet says it as it has not been said ____________.


A) after B) later
C) before D) since
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) before

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.


One should consciously engage in activities that will nourish your soul. Just as we nourish the body, we need to nurture the soul to connect to the creative power of the universe and to manifest joy in our lives. Often, we forget to address the soul, lost as we are in a jungle of material and sensual pleasures. But the more you embrace what feeds your soul, the happier you become. So if you want to enjoy the abundance of life, engage in what enriches your soul. Nurturing the soul is all about finding calm amidst chaos. There are a number of practices that empower people towards this end including silent contemplation, various forms of meditation, yoga and tai chi However, the rigor and discipline involved in the pursuit of such practices often seems to discourage people. Add to this, the temptations of the material world that leave little time and motivation for anyone to pursue the spiritual path. Poet Walt Whitman declared: “Whatever satisfies the soul is truth”. The good news is that simple, everyday activities can also nutrify the soul — like spending time in the midst of nature, dancing in the rain or just putting thoughts on paper. Do whatever is calming and pleases you. Creative pursuits are particularly appealing as inside each one of us, there is an artist craving for release and awaiting an opportunity for expression. One of the ways to indulge the artist within is to get started with the practice of any one or more of the creative art forms such as music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction or essay writing.


When you engage in such soul nourishing activities, all thought and energy gets focused toward goal accomplishment. At this point, you will find that even unknown forces of the universe are conniving to assist you in your amateurish but sincere attempts. As you progress, you are motivated to do better. You touch and access a faculty, a part of you that you never knew existed. Your inner artist is unleashed, baring the beauty of your soul that has found a fond medium of expression. For instance, a sculptor’s soul is seen in his artwork; a musician’s in his compositions; an actor’s in his acting, a painter’s in his paintings and so on. It is immaterial whether your effort is an immaculate artwork or just a clumsy attempt by a layperson. The idea is to try, be inspired and to create giving free rein to the mind. As Michelangelo remarked: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”!


Why do creative pursuits appeal us?


A) They nutrify our souls. B) Inside each one of us, is an artist craving to come out.
C) They identify beauty of our body. D) They are not simple activities.
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Inside each one of us, is an artist craving to come out.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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This tax is entirely borne by the entity it is levied upon and cannot be passed.

A) Direct tax B) Indirect tax
C) Straight tax D) Advance tax
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Direct tax

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Filed Under: Indian Economy
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Find the part which represents those actors who are also singers?

A) a B) b
C) c D) f
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) c

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Filed Under: Situation Reaction Test
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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