In a class of 60 students there are 30 girls. The average weight of these girls is 58 Kg and average weight of the full class is 63 kgs. What is the average weight of the boys of the class?
Looking at the portrait of a girl, Sheesha, a girl, said, "Her mother is my grandfather's only daughter who has only one daughter and no sons". How is Sheesha related to the girl in the portrait?
Oxfam International's is a UK based charity 'Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index' ranks India in bottom 12 of its research. India ranks 147 among 157 countries in Inequality Index.
A trader buys 500 kgs of cotton for Rs 9,000. 10% of this cotton is spoiled due to rain. At what rate (Rs/Kg) should he sell the rest to earn 10% profit?
A seconds pendulum is a pendulum whose period is precisely two seconds i.e, one second for a swing in one direction and one second for the return swing.