

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select "no improvement".

I'm (having to) too much fun.

A) having B) had
C) has D) no improvement
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) having

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 938

Motor skills are associated with which part of the brain?

A) Frontal lobe B) Parietal Lobe
C) Temporal lobe D) Occipital Lobe
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Frontal lobe

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Filed Under: Biology
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

1 938

If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?


A) 1 B) 2
C) 3 D) 4
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 2

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Filed Under: Image Analysis
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 938

The ________ balance is the sum of the balance of merchandise trade, services and net transfers received from the rest of the world.

A) Current Account B) Savings Account
C) Capital Account D) Asset Account
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Current Account

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Filed Under: Indian Economy
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 938

The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.

He gives everyone _________ the class opportunities for practice.

A) at B) in
C) of D) on
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) in

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Nobody gets __________ with a pretentious smug.

A) along B) up
C) about D) through
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) along

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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In the following question, four groups of three numbers are given. In each group the second and third number are related to the first number by a Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives.

A) (9, 11, 14) B) (13, 15, 18)
C) (17, 19, 22) D) (21, 23, 28)
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) (21, 23, 28)

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Filed Under: Odd Man Out
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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The following pie-­chart shows the study­ time of different subjects of a student in a day . Study the pie chart and answer the following questions.

Instead of 10% , if the student spends 15% to study other subjects and the time is taken from the time scheduled to study mathematics and if he/ she used to study 20 hours per day , then the difference of time for studying mathematics per day is

A) 30 minutes B) 45 minutes
C) 1 hour D) 1 hour 30 minutes
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 1 hour

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Filed Under: Honours and Awards
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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