

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
Herculean task

A) Important task B) Motivating
C) Optional to do D) Very difficult task
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) Very difficult task

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1014

In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.


A) Genuine B) Shape
C) Slice D) Sculpt
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Genuine

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1014

The 7th pay commission has retained the rate of annual increment of _____.

A) 2% B) 2.57%
C) 3% D) 3.5%
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 3%

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Filed Under: Indian Politics
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1014

In the question below, there is a word given in bold which is followed by five options. In each of the options, a pair of words is given which is either the pair of synonyms or antonyms or synonym & antonym of the word given in bold. Choose that pair as your answer.


A) Melodramatic, Theatrical B) Conscientious, Diligent
C) Tenacious, Retentive D) Thrive, Tussle
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) Melodramatic, Theatrical


The meanings of the given words are as follows:
Histrionic: excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style
Melodramatic: characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated or overemotional
Theatrical: exaggerated and excessively dramatic
Conscientious: wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly
Diligent: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties
Tenacious: tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
Retentive: (of a person's memory) effective in retaining facts and impressions
Thrive: (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously
Tussle: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something
Pertinent: relevant or applicable to a
particular matter; apposite Appropriate: suitable or proper in the circumstances
Therefore, it can be observed that option  i.e. ‘melodramatic, theatrical’ forms a synonym- synonym pair of ‘histrionic’.

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: TOEFL , GRE , CAT

0 1014

Three positions of a cube are shown below. What will come opposite to face containing 'I'?

A) VI B) V
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) VI

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0 1014

Wayne Rooney, the famous footballer, hails from which country?

A) Italy B) Brazil
C) Argentina D) England
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) England


Wayne Rooney was born on October 24, 1985, in Croxteth, Liverpool, England.

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Filed Under: Famous Personalities
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1014

The data shows the information on the number of children vaccinated in the year 2016 in different cities:

If the total mimber of children vaccinated in the year 2016 is 1,20,000, then how many children from city 'A' were vaccinated?

A) 36,000 B) 24,000
C) 12,000 D) 48,000
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 12,000

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Filed Under: Pie Charts
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT

0 1014

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/Phrase.

Raining cats and dogs

A) It is raining unusually hard B) To win a big lottery
C) To get wealth beyond what one deserves D) To become filthy rich by honest means
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) It is raining unusually hard

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Filed Under: English
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1014