

There are 6561 balls are there out of them 1 is heavy. Find the minimum number of times the balls have to be weighted for finding out the heavy ball ?

A) 2414 B) 204
C) 87 D) 8
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) 8


Suppose there are 9 balls


Let us give name to each ball B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9


Now we will divide all the balls into 3 groups.


Group1 - B1 B2 B3


Group2 - B4 B5 B6


Group3 - B7 B8 B9


Step1 - Now weigh any two groups. Let's assume we choose Group1 on left side of the scale and Group2 on the right side.


So now when we weigh these two groups we can get 3 outcomes.


Weighing scale tilts on left - Group1 has a heavy ball.
Weighing scale tilts on right - Group2 has a heavy ball.
Weighing scale remains balanced - Group3 has a heavy ball.
Lets assume we got the outcome as 3. i.e Group 3 has a heavy ball.


Step2 - Now weigh any two balls from Group3. Lets assume we keep B7 on left side of the scale and B8 on right side.


So now when we weigh these two balls we can get 3 outcomes.


Weighing scale tilts on left - B7 is the heavy ball.
Weighing scale tilts on right - B8 is the heavy ball.
Weighing scale remains balanced - B9 is the heavy ball.
The conclusion we get from this Problem is that each time weigh. We element 2/3 of the balls.


As we came to conclusion that Group3 has the heavy ball from Step1, we remove 6 balls from the equation i.e (2/3) of 9.


Simillarly we do the ame thing for the Step2.


Now going with this conclusion. We have 6561 balls.


Step - 1


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 2187Balls


Group2 - 2187Balls


Group3 - 2187Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 2


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 729Balls


Group2 - 729Balls


Group3 - 729Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 3


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 243Balls


Group2 - 243Balls


Group3 - 243Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 4


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 81Balls


Group2 - 81Balls


Group3 - 81Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 5


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 27Balls


Group2 - 27Balls


Group3 - 27Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 6


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 9Balls


Group2 - 9Balls


Group3 - 9Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 7


Divided into 3 groups


Group1 - 3Balls


Group2 - 3Balls


Group3 - 3Balls


Taking the similar steps as we did in the above example, we come to the conclusion that Group1 has the heavy ball.


Step - 8


So now when we weigh 2 balls out of 3 we can get 3 outcomes.


Weighing scale tilts on left - left side placed is the heavy ball.
Weighing scale tilts on right - right side placed is the heavy ball.
Weighing scale remains balanced - remaining ball is the heavy ball.
So the general answer to this question is, it is always multiple of 3 steps.


For 9 balls  32= 9. therefore 2 steps


For 6561 balls 38 = 6561 therefore 8 steps

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Filed Under: Arithmetical Reasoning
Exam Prep: CAT , Bank Exams , AIEEE
Job Role: Bank PO , Bank Clerk

13 12424

Read the following information and answer the following questions below.


Bindu is standing exactly in the middle of a line of girls. Asha is 6th to the left of Bindu and Ritu is 16th to Bindu's right.


What should be the minimum number of girls in the line?


A) 22 B) 28
C) 33 D) 32
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 33

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Filed Under: Arithmetical Reasoning
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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Which of the statements given below are correct?

A) Alexander Norén won the Golf 2017 BMW PGA Championship.

B) Canada hosted the Table Tennis 2017 ITTF Women's World Cup.

C) In 2018 IPL auctions, Rajasthan Royals retained Steve Smith.


A) Only C B) B and C
C) A and B D) A, B and C
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) A, B and C

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Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 12413

In the following question, select the related letter/letters from the given alternatives.

TMP : QJM : : PIK : ?


Answer & Explanation Answer: A) MFH

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Filed Under: Analogy
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

2 12411

The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is

A) 1 B) 0
C) -1 D) Infinity
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) 1


The mutiplicative inverse of a number is nothing but a reciprocal of a number.

Now, the product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is always equal to 1.


For example :

Let the number be 15

Multiplicative inverse of 15 = 1/15

The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is = 15 x 1/15 = 1.

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Filed Under: Numbers
Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT , GATE
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Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


PUNE : SXQF :: CITY : ___


Answer & Explanation Answer: D) FLWZ

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Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 12403

select the letter missing from the following series.

U, O, I, ?,A


A) D B) Q
C) p D) E
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) E

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Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 12400

" Hopman cup "  is related to which sports  ? 

A) Cricket B) Badminton
C) Lawn Tennis D) Football
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Lawn Tennis


Law Tennis Hopman cup is a hard-court tennis tournament held every year in Australia. Teams from different countries participates in the tournament.

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Job Role: Bank PO

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