Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
5 : 100 : : 6 : ?
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JY : 35 : : RT : ?
In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives.
Paper : Pulp : : ? : ?
Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the tangents?
A number, when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80 percent. What is four - fifth of that number ?
x - 35 = 80x/100
=> x = 175
=> 4x/5 = 4x175/5 = 140.
Car : Garage : : Curio : ?
What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following question?
34 of 35 of 23 of ? = 3174
23x35x34x?=31743174x10/3= 10580