What information does a supply schedule provide
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Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
XYZ : CBA : : QRS : ?
Find the missing term using the above sequence:
ABC : @*2 :: $#E : ____
Clever : Smart : : Apprehensive : ?
If 6α1 = 70, 2α3 = 50 and 4α5 = 90, then find the value of 1α4 = ?
Which was the first modern industry to develop in India?
Select the related letters from the given alternatives.
GIK : PRT :: DFH : ?
A shopkeeper offers the following 3 schemes. Which scheme has the maximum discount percentage?
I. Two successive discounts of 30% and 20%
II. Buy 4 get 7
III. Buy 4 get 3 free