Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test Questions


Rajan is sixth from the left end and vinay is tenth from the right end in a row of boys. If there are eight boys between Rajan and Vinay, how many boys are there in the row ?

A) 24 B) 26
C) 23 D) 25
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) 24


Number of boys in the row = (6 + 10 + 8) = 24

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71 17847

If the third day of a month is Tuesday, which of the following would be the 4th day before the 27th day of that month?

A) Tuesday B) Monday
C) Wednesday D) Sunday
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Monday


Dates on which Tuesday fall are 3,10,17, and 24


Hence, the 27th day of the month will be (Tuesday + 3 days=)Friday


Required day of the month = Friday - 4 = Monday

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41 17656

382  473  568  728  847  629

If 382 is written as 238, 473 as 347 and so on, then which of the following two numbers will have least difference between them?

A) 473 & 382 B) 629 & 728
C) 629 & 847 D) 728 & 847
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) 728 & 847


The given numbers are :

382  473  568  728  847  629

When changes are made as given in the question, numbers become as follows :

238  347  856  872  784  962

Again now, find out the difference between the numbers given in options as given below:

(1) 473 - 382  => 347 - 238 = 109

(2) 629 - 728  => 962 - 872 = 90

(3) 629 - 847  => 962 - 784 = 178

(4) 728 - 847  => 872 - 784 = 88

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20 17150

In a class of 180, where girls are twice the number of boys, Rupesh[a boy]  ranked 34th from the top. If there are 18 girls ahead of Rupesh, how many boys are after him in rank?

A) 45 B) 44
C) 60 D) can't be determined
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 44


No. of boys up to the 34th rank = 34-18 = 16


 Total no of boys = 180x1/2+1 = 60


 number of boys after the rank of Rupesh = 60 - 16 = 44

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Filed Under: Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , AIEEE
Job Role: Bank PO

81 16616

517  325  639  841  792

What will be the first digit of the second highest number after the positions of only the 2nd, 3rd digits within each number are interchanged?

A) 8 B) 2
C) 7 D) 9
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 7


The new numbers formed are 571, 352, 693, 814, 729

The second highest number is 729, its first digit is 7

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19 16246

Sanjeev ranks seventh from the top and twenty eighth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?

A) 33 B) 36
C) 35 D) 34
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) 34


Total number of students in the class = 28 + 6 i.e, from top(7-1)

28 + 6 = 34  

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64 15863

What is the 13th letter of the English Alphabet?

A) M & N B) M & M
C) N & N D) N & L
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) M & N


There are 26 English Alphabets. They are:




Therefore, from the left end the 13th letter is M and is Consonent. And from the right end the 13th letter is N and is Consonent.

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50 15631

If the day before yesterday was Saturday, what day will fall on the day after tomorrow?

A) Friday B) Thursday
C) Wednesday D) Tuesday
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) Wednesday


If day before yesterday was Saturday, so today is Monday. Thus, tomorrow will be Tuesday and day after tomarrow will be Wednesday.

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30 15414