Profit and Loss Questions




Selling Price (SP) : The price at which the shopkeeper sells the goods is called the selling price (SP) of the goods sold by the shopkeeper.


Profit : If the selling price of an article is more than its cost price, then the dealer (or shopkeeper) makes a profit (or gain)

i.e Profit = SP - CP;       SP > CP


Loss : If the selling price of an article is less than its cost price, then the dealer suffers a loss.

i.e loss = CP - SP;        CP > SP



1. Profit percentage = ProfitC.P×100


2. Loss percentage = LossC.P×100


3.S.P=100+Gain %100×C.P = 100-Loss%100×C.P


4. C.P=100100+Gain %×S.P = 100100-Loss %×S.P 

5. If an article is sold at a gain of say 35%, then SP = 135% of CP

6. If an article is sold at a loss of say 35%, then SP = 65% of CP

7. When a person sells two similar items, one at a gain of say x%, and the other at a loss of x%, then the seller always incurs a loss given by :Loss % =Common Loss and Gain %10 2=x102


8. If a trader Professes to sell his goods at cost price, but uses false weihts, then 

Gain % =ErrorTrue Value - Error×100%


Mr. Kapur purchased two toy cycles for Rs 750 each. He sold these cycles, gaining 6% on one and losing 4% on the other. The gain or loss percent in the whole transaction is

A) 1% loss B) 1% gain
C) 1.5% loss D) 1.5 gain
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 1% gain

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

3 1294

A shopkeeper by selling 8 iphones, earns a profit equal to the selling price of 3 iphones. His profit percentage is

A) 60 percent B) 37.5 percent
C) 75 percent D) 15 percent
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) 60 percent

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

0 1288

Naveen purchased a gas cylinder and a stove for Rs.4500. He sold the gas cylinder at a gain of 25% and the stove at a loss of 20%, still gaining 4% on the whole. Find the cost of the gas cylinder.

A) Rs.3600 B) Rs.2400
C) Rs.3000 D) Rs.2600
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Rs.2400

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

4 1287

A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell goods at his cost price but uses a false weight of 950 gms, for each kilogram. His gain percentage is

A) 100/23% B) 100/19%
C) 100/17% D) 100/21%
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) 100/19%

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

2 1286

If the selling price is doubled, the profit triples. The profit percent is

A) 66.6% B) 150%
C) 100% D) 190%
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 100%


Let CP be x and SP be y.

3(y –x) = (2y –x)y = 2x

Profit = y –x = 2x –x = x

Profit% = x/x X 100 = 100%

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss

2 1285

The marked price of a trouser is twice of the cost price. To earn 36% profit, what should be the value of discount (in percentage)?


A)  33 B)  32
C)  34 D)  36
Answer & Explanation Answer: B)  32

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

4 1282

By selling a table for Rs. 16,870, a shopkeeper suffers a loss of Rs. 1080. His loss percentage (rounded off to one decimal place) is

A) 6.4% B) 6.1%
C) 6.2% D) 6.0%
Answer & Explanation Answer: D) 6.0%

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

2 1276

A sells a watch to B and makes a loss of 12%. B makes a profit of 12.5% by selling the watch to C. If A sells the watch to B at the cost of which C purchased it, then the percentage of loss or profit of A will be,

A) 1% loss B) 1% profit
C) 2% loss D) 2% profit
Answer & Explanation Answer: A) 1% loss

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Filed Under: Profit and Loss
Exam Prep: Bank Exams

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