Dipali bought a set of cups for Rs. 375, but then had to sell it later to clear old stocks for Rs. 345. What is the percentage of loss that she incurred?
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A product was sold foe Rs. 4,500 at a profit of 12.5%. What was the amount of profit?
If Rajan purchase 21 pens for Rs 20 and sell all the pens at the rate of 20 pens for Rs 21, then what will be the profit percentage?
Ramesh uses a weight of 930 gm instead of 1 kg and sells sugar on its cost price. What will be his profit percentage on selling 15 kg sugar?
If x , y, and z are real numbers such that (x - 3)2 + (y - 4)2 + (z - 5)2 = 0 then (x+y+z) is equal to
Find out the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
Select the odd number from the given alternatives.