Raj takes 2 1/3 hrs to complete a certain distance at a speed of 51 kmph. What time would Kiran take to complete the same distance at a speed of 68kmph?
The average revenues of 7 consecutive years of a company is Rs 75 lakhs. If the average of first 4 years is Rs 70 lakhs and that of last 4 years is Rs 82 lakhs, what will be the revenue for the 4th year.
A solid cone of height 36 cm and radius of base 9 cm is melted to form a solid cylinder of radius 9 cm and height 9 cm. What percent of material is wasted this process?
A trader buys 500 kgs of cotton for Rs 9,000. 10% of this cotton is spoiled due to rain. At what rate (Rs/Kg) should he sell the rest to earn 10% profit?