The average of 10 numbers is X and one of the number is 38. If 38 is replaced with 19, then what will be the new average?
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Average of 14 numbers is 32. If the average of last 5 numbers is 26, then what is the average of the remaining numbers?
If a retailer offers a discount of 28% on the marked price of his goods and thus ends up selling at cost price, what was the % mark up?
The sum of a fraction and 4 times its reciprocal is 13/3. What is the fraction?
There is 40% increase in an amount in 5 years at simple interest. What will be the compound interest of Rs. 25000 after 3 years at the same rate?
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. 1 : 8 :: ? :64
The bus fare between two cities is increased in the ratio 5:11. Find the increase in the fare, if the original fare is Rs. 275.
If 31% of an electricity bill is deducted, Rs 1794 is still to be paid. How much was the original bill amount?