Akash starts a business with Rs 85000 and Payal joins him with Rs 102000. If the profit at the end of a year is divided in the ratio 1 : 1, then after how many months did Payal join Akash?
A piece of work was finished by A, B and C together. A and B together finished 60% of the work and B and C together finished 70% of the work. Who among the three is most efficient?
The average revenues of 9 consecutive years of a company is Rs 80 lakhs. If the average of first 5 years is Rs 75 lakhs and that of last 5 years is Rs 87 lakhs, find the revenue for the 5th year.
The list price (marked price ) of an article is Rs. 900 and is available at two successive discounts of 20% and 10% ; the selling price of the article,in rupees, is