Monthly salaries of Pia and Som are in the respective ratio of 5: 4. Pia, from her monthly salary, gives th to her mother. 15% towards her sister’s tuition fees, 18% towards a loan and she shops with the remaining amount which was Rs. 2,100. What is the monthly salary of Som ?
Answer & Explanation
Explanation: Let monthly salary of Pia = Rs.500x => Monthly salary of Som = Rs.400x Amount given by Pia to her mother = 3/5 * 500x = 300x Amount for her sister tuition fees = 15*500x/100 = 75x Amount for loan = 18*500x/100 = 90x => Amount left = 500x −(300x +75x +90x) = 2100 => 500x - 465x = 35x = 2100 => x = 2100/35 = 60 Therefore, Som's salary = 400 x 60 = Rs. 24,000
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