What are Different sections in Aptitude and Reasoning Question and Answers?
In this highly competitive world, Aptitude and reasoning tests are prominently important. Typically, there are multiple sections in this type of tests. Broadly they are:
Verbal Reasoning(Mental Ability, Logical Deduction), Non-Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude(Data interpretation, Arithmetic Ability).
Why Aptitude and Reasoning Questions?
Aptitude and Reasoning tests simply mean to measure or determine a person's ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge. These days most of Aptitude and Reasoning tests are in online format. With proper practice of these aptitude tests, They are easy to crack. Preparing for Aptitude and Reasoning tests will often avoid disappointments in Entrance Exams for various competitive exams and job interviews.
What type of questions are there in Aptitude and Reasoning tests?
Aptitude and Reasoning tests consists of various Arithmetic, Data interpretation, Diagrammatic and Psychometric question and answers. Though these tests seem confusing at first, with proper practice and applied logic, they are very easy to crack. Later, it becomes interesting to solve such puzzles. Most of these are based on a particular sequence, hence it is important to understand the sequence to solve the problem. Practicing these more and more will yield better results.
In the given Pie-chart, the comparative study of the production of Rice, Wheat, Sugar and Tea of a country is given. Study the Pie-Chart and answer the following questions.
From this diagram, the ratio of sum of wheat and sugar production to difference in production of rice and tea is
Present age of R and S are in the ratio of 3 : 2 respectively. If the present age of H is 117 years and R’s present age is 4/13 of H’s present age, then after how many years the ages of R and S would be in the ratio of 15 : 11?
In a certain code language, 'x' represents '+', '÷' represents 'x', '-' represents '÷' and '+' represents '-'. Find out the answer to the following question.
The average age of 27 students of a class is 22. If the age of the teacher is also added to their ages, then the average increases by one. Find the age of the teacher.
In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'C' can be represented by 21, 43, etc. and 'U' can be represented by 75, 98 etc. You have to identify the set for the word 'ROAD'.