A watch loses 5 minutes every hour and was set right at 6 a.m. on a Monday. When will it show the correct time again?
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If 18th October 2011 was a Sunday, then what day of the week was it on 19th September 2012?
In the year 2016, there were 52 weeks and P days. Find the value of P
Karan remembers that his sister's birthday is not after 18th August. Karan's mother remembers that Karan's sister birthday is before 20th August but after 17th August. On which date of August is Karan's sister birthday?
Arnav's birthday is on Tuesday 14th March. On what day of the week will be Pranay's Birthday in the same year if Pranay was born on 13th September?
Mishti's birthday is on Thursday 27th April. On what day of the week will be Aradhya's Birthday in the same year, if Aradhya was born on 20th October?
Aayush's birthday is on Monday 22nd May. On what day of the week will be Neerav's Birthday in the same year if Neerav was born on 30th October?
What day would it be on 15th March 2020?