In a certain code language, '-' represents 'x', '÷' represents '+', '+' represents '÷' and 'x' represents '-'. Find out the answer to the following question.
In a certain code language, '+' represents 'x', '-' represents '+', 'x' represents '÷' and '÷' represents '-'. What is the answer to the following question?
Neeraj is facing north, then he turns 45 degree right and goes 25 m, then turns in south-east direction to move 25 m and from there 25 m to east. In which direction/place is he from his original place?
Five girls are sitting facing towards the north. Rekha is between Shalini and Neetu. Pooja is to the immediate right of Neetu and Shalini is to the immediate right of Neha. Who is sitting in the middle?