Programming Questions


Point out the error, if any, in the following program.

#include "stdarg.h"



     display ( 4, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 44.3);


display(int num, ...)


       float c; int j;

        va_list ptr;

        va_start (ptr, num);

        for ( j = 1; j <= num; j++)


            c = va_arg ( ptr, float );

            printf ("\n%f", c);




While extracting a float argument using va_arg we should have useed 

c = va_arg (ptr, double)

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Subject: Programming

1 5174

Write a quick script for launching a new activity within your application.


An explicit intent explicitly defines the activity the developer wishes to start. 

Script code :

Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MyNewActivity.class);


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Subject: Programming

15 4859

Rewrite the following set of statements using conditional operators.

int a =1, b ;

if ( a > 10 )

b = 20; 


int a = 1, b , dummy;

a > 10 ? b = 20 : dummy =1;


Note that the following would not have worked:

a > 10 ? b = 20 : ;;


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Subject: Programming

3 4737

What's the difference between the functions rand(), random(), srand() and randomize()?


rand()  returns a random number

random()  returns a random number in a specified range

srand()  initialise a random number generator with a given seed value

randomize()   initializes a random number generator with a random value based o time.

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Subject: Programming

2 4572

What is the difference between malloc() and calloc() functions?


As against malloc(), calloc() needs two arguments, the number of elements  to be allocated and the size of each element. For example,

 p = (int *) calloc (10, sizeof (int));

would allocate space for a 10- integer array. Additionally, calloc() would also set each of this element with a value 0.

Thus the above call to calloc() is equivalent to:

p = (int *) malloc (10 * sizeof (int));

memset (p, 0, 10 * sizeof( int ));

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Subject: Programming

0 4211

Can I increase the size of a dynamically allocated array? < Yes / No> if yes, how?


Yes, using the realloc() function as shown below:



        int *p;

        p = ( int *) malloc (20) ;

        t = p;

        t = (int *) realloc ( p, 40);

        if ( t == NULL )

        Printf (" Cannot reallocate, leaves previous allocated region unchanged ");



              if ( p ==t )

              ;  / * the array expanded at the same region */



                 free ( p ); / * deallocate the original array */

                 p = t;  /* set p to newly allocated region */




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Subject: Programming

1 4195

The coding or scrambling of data so that humans cannot read them, is known as _____.

A) Compression B) Encryption
C) Ergonomics D) Biometrics
Answer & Explanation Answer: B) Encryption


The coding or scrambling of data so that humans cannot read them is known as encryption.

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Filed Under: Programming

9 4195

How would you use qsort() function to sort an array of structures?


#include "string.h"

#include "stdlib.h"

struct stud


       int rollno;

       int marks;

       char name[30];


int sort_m (struct stud *, struct stud *);

int sort_name (struct stud *, struct stud *);

int sort_marks (struct stud *, struct stud *);




static struct stud ss[] = {

                                            { 15, 96, "Akshay" },

                                            { 2, 97, "Madhuri" },

                                            { 8, 85, "Aishvarya" },

                                            { 10, 80, "Sushmita" }


int x,w;


w = sizeof (struct stud);


printf ('\nIn order of roll numbers:");

qsort (ss, 4, w, sort_rn);

for(x=0; x<4;x++)

     printf ("\n%d%s%d", ss[x].rollno, ss[x].name,ss[x].marks);


printf("\n\nIn order of names:");

qsort(ss, 4, sort_name);


for (x=0; x<4;x++)

      printf("\n%d%s%d",ss[x].rollno, ss[x].name,ss[x].marks);

printf("\n\nIn order of marks:");



for (x=0;x<4;x++)

      printf ("\n%d%s%d",ss[x].rollno,ss[x].name,ss[x].marks);


int sort_rn (struct stud *t1, struct stud *t2)


     return (t1->rollno-t2->rollno);



int sort_name (struct stud *t1, struct stud *t2)


     return (strcmp(t1->name,t2->name));


int sort_marks (struct stud *t1, struct stud *t2)


     return (t2->marks-t1->marks);





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Subject: Programming

0 3946