
Crack the logical puzzle?

crack_the_logical_puzzle1562839260.jpg image


A) 6713 B) 9415
C) 9515 D) 842

Answer:   A) 6713


In the given puzzle, the logic followed is

First digits comes from the number of letters in the word

Second digit is its serial number

Third digit is the addition of first and second digits

=> SUNDAY = 6713


Following the same logic, crack this mathematical puzzle ?


A) 4 B) 2
C) 1 D) 3
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 1


The answer here is 1.


Logic Followed in the given puzzle ::


The logic here is the number of circles in each 4 digit number mentioned.

8801 has 5

5261 has 1

and so on

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Filed Under: Math Puzzles
Exam Prep: Bank Exams , CAT , GATE

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What value will replace the question mark in the puzzle?

A) 64 B) 56
C) 46 D) 36
Answer & Explanation Answer: C) 46


The Answer is 46.

Logic ::

First number on the right hand side is the second number in the left side of equation ( and ) second number on the right side is the sum of two numbers on the left side of the equation.


Hence, 2 + 4 = 4(2+4) = 46.


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Screenshot_(36)1590052380.jpg image 

Hence, the missing number iss 25.

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