Number of Vehicles Manufactured by Two companies ove the Years (Number in Thousands)
1. What is the difference between the number of vehicles manufactured by Company Y in 2000 and 2001 ?
A. 50000 B. 42000 C. 33000 D. 21000
2. What is the difference between the total productions of the two Companies in the given years ?
A. 19000 B. 22000 C. 26000 D. 28000
3. What is the average numbers of vehicles manufactured by Company X over the given period ? (rounded off to nearest integer)
A. 119333 B. 113666 C. 112778 D. 111223
4. In which of the following years, the difference between the productions of Companies X and Y was the maximum among the given years ?
A. 1997 B. 1998 C. 1999 D. 2000
5. The production of Company Y in 2000 was approximately what percent of the production of Company X in the same year ?
A. 173 B. 164 C. 132 D. 97