Web Technology Questions


What is Xpath?


XPath specifies the path in the XML document which has hierarchical elements. XPath is used with XPointer and XSLT and parser.  

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1580

What are the principles in providing the security for the computer programs?


- The principle of least privilege is used to provide more security to the computer programs. 

- The principle allows the designing of the program such that any unauthorized access is not allowed and only the person who owns the program will be able to access it. 

- The services provided should be able to access only those products that need the services. 

- Web servers that are involved in responding the queries of the web users provide only accessing to the HTML files that will serve the purpose of the programs. 

- Computer programs should be made such that it provides secure features of logging into the program with proper authentication.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1580

What is the use of Media Types in CSS?


Media types in CSS define the media like audio and video to be used in your HTML document to represent the properties in a better way. The font property can be used for media types as it can be used for print media or screen media. Document requires a defined media to represent the screen that can be read on the paper. It is used as:@media 




@media screen


p.test {font-family:verdana,sans-serif;font-size:14px;}


@media print


p.test {font-family:times,serif;font-size:10px;}





----------Your code here----------



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Subject: Web Technology

0 1578

What is the difference between class selector and ID selector?


- Class selector can be given to an overall block. This is sometimes termed as block element as well, whereas ID selector identifies a unique name and a style for a specific element. 

- ID selector declares the style for only one particular element which can be differentiated from other element, whereas Class selector is being given for the whole complete block.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1573

How do you parse/validate the XML document?


Parsing the XML document is the only way to validate the XML file. Validation is done by either DOM parser or the SAX parser. 

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1573

What are the security features being provided in web security?


Security features are very essential in the system as it provides an overall security of the system by applying the patches and the services that keeps the unwanted access away. 

The security features included are as follows:

- Use of algorithms in relation to, the security and the system to, solve the problem of the security. 

- Use of SSL or any encryption method to, protect the system from intrusion or any other attack. 

- Use of SSL in the SimpleWebServer that doesn’t provides the protection against the DoS attack and doesn’t allow the accessing to, be done using the /etc/shadow.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1571

What are the different objects used in JavaScripts?


JavaScripts uses a hierarchical structure that applies to the objects in a document. There are some objects that show the relationship of one object to another using the language.

Window object: This is the topmost object in the hierarchy. It represent the content area of browser window that consists of HTML documents. Each frame is also a window that has some actions inside it.

Document object: This object gets loaded in a window and consists of objects of different kind in the model. It consists of the content that will be written in the script.

Form object: Form objects are used for more interaction with the users. It represents the form elements inside <FORM>...</FORM> tag.

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1561

What are the rules in CSS ruleset?


CSS consists of two types of CSS rules, first is for ruleset which identifies the style and the selector. It combines the style and the selector. Ruleset is a combination of CSS rules, for example: h1{text-color: 15pt;}, where this is the CSS rule. Ruleset is selector + declaration for example: h1 + {text-color: 15pt;}

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Subject: Web Technology

0 1561