Java Questions


Just by seeing the signature of the bean how can you specity whether it is a Statefull of Stateless Session Bean?


The create method in a stateless bean cannot have arguments, and can only have a single method called create(). While create in Stateful bean can have arguments and could be any method starting with create string eg. create(arg1, arg2, ...). Although it is not compiler checked but in stateless bean the ejb Passivate() and ejb Active() methods has to be empty as these functions are never called by EJB container. As conceptually in stateful session bean we might need to store the clients information hence arguments in createare necessary. While in stateless bean we don't hence no arguments are necessary. It's intutive isn't intutive isn't. I my life I haven't seen such a futuristic server programming tool as EJB.

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Subject: Java

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How will you define an abstract class?


An abstract class is defined with the keyword abstract Eg:
public abstract class MyClass { }

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Subject: Java

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