A) Gujarat, Kerala and Goa | B) Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh |
C) Gujarat, Odisha and West Bengal | D) Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu |
India Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
• To conserve, project and manage the coastal and marine environment, the Ministry is implementing the India ICZM Project with the World Bank assistance.
• For the implementation of the project the Ministry has established a Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM) as nodal body under the Society Registration Act, in Delhi.
• The ICZM Project is being implemented as pilot investments in the coastal states of Gujarat, Odisha and West Bengal.
• National activities are implemented through SICOM along with monitoring of activities carried out by three selected states.
• The project has four implementing agencies-MoEF at the national level with lead responsibilities, and the Departments of Forests and Environment (DoEF) of the threeparticipating states.