The bar graph shows the production (in thousand tonnes) of Wheat, Rice and Maize in different states.

The pie-chart shows the percentage of agricultural land in the given six states.
Productivity = 

1.The productivity of which state is the maximum ?
1. Bihar 2. Haryana 3. Punjab 4. UP 5. MP
2.The production of which state is the maximum ?
1. Bihar 2. MP 3. Haryana 4. UP 5. Punjab
3.The prodution of wheat in punjab is what per cent more than the production of Maize in odisha ?
1. 350% 2. 250% 3. 300% 4. 200% 5. 400%
4.What is the ratio of the production of Rice in Bihar to the production of Wheat in Haryana ?
1. 2:3 2. 3:2 3. 2:1 4. 1:1 5. 1:2
5.If MP exports 40% of Rice at the rate of Rs.30 per kg and UP exports 30% of Rice at the rate of Rs.32 per kg, then what is the ratio of the income from the exports ?
1. 65:48 2. 31:42 3. 43:54 4. 57:62 5. 1:2