An electronic device rearranges numbers step-by-step in a particular order according to set of rules. The device stops when the final result is obtained.
Input: 84 15 35 04 18 96 62 08
Step 1: 96 84 15 35 04 18 62 08
Step 2: 96 84 62 15 35 04 18 08
Step 3: 96 84 62 35 15 04 18 08
Step 4: 96 84 62 35 18 15 04 08
Step 5: 96 84 62 35 18 15 08 04
And Step 5 is the last step for this input. Now, find out an appropriate step in the following question following the above rule.
Input: 16 09 24 28 15 04
What will be the third step for this input ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer: B) 28 24 16 15 09 04
Explanation: Carefully obsrving the given arrangement, we find the following pattern:
We observe that the given numbers are arranged in descending order (from left to right), altering the position of only one number in each step, followed by the other numbers as it is. The process continues till the whole set of numbers is arranged in the descending order.
Step1: 28 16 09 24 15 04
Step2: 28 24 16 09 15 04
Step3: 28 24 16 15 09 04
Hence, the answer is B
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